My idea is to use these xyz points to project circles into the Unity scene at that points but I am not sure about few things. I am not sure what the xyz values represent exactly, they have values ranging from (-5 to 2.5) someone have experince in working with PointClouds in Unity?
Once applied, go ahead and play the game to see the shader in action: While it's not visible in this still image, you will notice that in the Unity editor, the object will now move in both the X and Y axes! Feel free to drag the X Scroll Speed and Y Scroll Speed properties in...
Develop once, publish everywhere! Unity is the ultimate tool for video game development, architectural visualizations, and interactive media installations - publish to the web, Windows, OS X, Wii, Xbox 360, and iPhone with many more platforms to come.
A Skybox is a 6-sided cube that is drawn behind all graphics in the game. Here are the steps to create one:Make 6 textures that correspond to each of the 6 sides of the skybox and put them into your project’s Assets folder. For each texture you need to change the wrap mode from...
Additionally, if you don’t have any interest in learning to code on a deeper level, Unity* also has an incredibly robust asset store that features all the building blocks you could need to start crafting your own game, including 3D & 2D models, audio, shaders, editor extensions, templates...
This advice applies to any kind of game engine. I’m not going to tell you how to write a shader, what an octree is, or how to add physics. Those are the kinds of things that, I assume, you already know that you should know – and it depends largely on the type of game you ...
What exactly is happening when we write Random.Range(0, 10) and get back a "random" integer in the range 0 to 10? The answer is that there's some kind of algorithm that's generating a number. I'm not sure what algorithm is used to generate Unity's random numbers, but C#'s Rando...
Note that if you create a new unlit unity shader (Create->Shader->Unlit Shader) you get mostly the same code.Let’s now focus only on the important part – the fragment shader. First, we need to capture all the data passed by ScreenSpaceSnow script:...
Well, that's what I'm trying to write about today, how to make a simple mini map similar to that, instead of using the top down camera method. This comes in handy when you're trying to create a mini map to locate the player and the enemies (AIs) current position... Like Hitman,...
Likewise, if we only wanted the shader to write to the second slice, then we would use a FirstArraySlice of 1 and an ArraySize of 1.How Do You Render to a Texture Array in Unity?You render to a texture array almost the same way you would render to a texture 2d. You still need ...