However, when I try to enter bash shell from within zsh, it looks like not loading~/.bash_profile, since I cannot run my command using aliases, which is defined in my~/.bash_profilelikealias julia="~/juila/julia", etc.. Also, the prompt is not what I set in the file and...
To keepaliasesbetween sessions, you can save them in your user’s shell configuration profile file. This can be: Bash –~/.bashrc ZSH –~/.zshrc Fish –~/.config/fish/ The syntax you should use is practically the same as creating a temporary alias. The only difference comes f...
alias gr='grep --color -r' Reset Once You Alias Once you set an alias in .bash_profile, you need to make sure it’s working. You can do this by running this command: source ~/.bash_profile. This will reload everything without having to quit out of terminal to reset, so that you...
For more complex setups (e.g. when you're using a shell script framework like bash-it, oh-my-zsh or the likes) it's often useful to add 'alias mysql' at key positions in your scripts. This will help you figure out exactly when the alias is added. e.g.: e...
Example-2: Permanent bash alias declaration To solve the above problem, you can create permanent alias command. Suppose you want to create a shortcut of the “mkdir” command with the alias name “C” and use it permanently. Open ~/.bashrc file in any editor, add alias command in that ...
Bash Alias Accepting the Parameters in the .bashrc File Bash shell functions can be defined in the “.bashrc” file, however, it is frequently better to place them in their own definitions file. The. bashrc file is found in the home directory of our system. When an interactive shell is ...
You’ll need to put the aliases in the .bash_aliases file. This is incredibly handy as it keeps your aliases in separate files. So, open up the .bash_aliases file and copy-paste the following code. alias ping5 = 'ping -c 5' ...
the persistence of aliases depends on how and where they are defined. if you define an alias within a terminal session, it will only be available for that session. however, if you define aliases in configuration files like .bashrc or bash_profile (on unix-like systems), they will be ...
In such cases and similar ones, you likely want the ability to add additional directories to thePATHvariable to make executables easier to work with. Fortunately, you can do just that using theexportcommand. Here is an example, adding the/etc/custom-directorydirectory to thePATH: ...
I wanted to install a command line tool calledgg. But for some reason,ggwas already tied to an alias. No problem, I'll just delete that alias. I looked in~/.bash_profileand I looked in~/.zshrcand it wasn't there! But here's how I managed to figure out where it came from: ...