If many atoms are cooled to a very low temperature confined in a small volume, they can become indistinguishable and behave like a single “super particle.” Physicists also call this a Bose-Einstein condensate or quantum gas. Photons condense based on a similar principle and can be cooled usi...
Scientists speculate on the ways in which dark photons are created. Due to their nature of kinetic mixing (however suppressed it may be) with ordinary photons, they may be made where and when ‘virtual photons’ are produced. This usually occurs when two charged particles interact with each ot...
How many x-ray photons per second are created by an x-ray tube that produces a flux of x rays having a power of 1.00W? Assume the average energy per photon is 75.0keV.(a) How many photons are emitted per second by a He-Ne laser that emits 1.2 ...
How do atoms create photons? How does an electron emit a photon of light? How do particle accelerators create Higgs bosons? How did Ernest Rutherford discover the proton? How do protons change in beta radiation? How are quarks created? How do linear particle accelerators work? How are radioiso...
These convection currents are rising movements of hot gas next to falling movements of cool gas: It looks kind of like glitter in a simmering pot of water. The convection currents carry photons outward to the surface faster than the radiative transfer that occurs in the core and radiative zone...
We don't really know how the universe was created, though most astrophysicists believe it started with the Big Bang.
Neutrinos are the smallest subatomic particles, i.e. elementary particles with a half-integer spin known as fermions. Like photons, neutrinos have zero electric charges. They are electrically neutral. And, thus the name “neutrinos”. According to the laws of physics, if there is a particle,...
These convection currents are rising movements of hot gas next to falling movements of cool gas: It looks kind of like glitter in a simmering pot of water. The convection currents carry photons outward to the surface faster than the radiative transfer that occurs in the core and radiative zone...
How are radiographic densities made? When the mA or exposure time increases, the number of x-ray photons generated at the anodeincreases linearlywithout increasing beam energy. This will result in a higher number of photons reaching the receptor and this leads to an overall increase in the densi...
But when the layer is hit by light, the energy of the photons liberates electrons and allows current to pass through! These newly freed electrons are what neutralizes the positive charge coating the drum to form the latent image. It's easy to imagine how you might project a copy of an ...