Our Global IT organization played a critical role in powering Accenture during COVID-19, delivering technology and tools to seamlessly transition our business to one where our people work from home. At the foundation, we invested in the right infrastructure and tools, such as cloud; adopted a ...
As a result, you can source qualified candidates with minimal effort from your recruiting team. That’s why companies likeAccenture offer substantial bonusesfor referring employees who are hired—up to $20,000 for “hot jobs” that are difficult to fill and $1,000–5,000 for other jobs. Re...
As leaders and employees, it’s crucial to adopt a growth mindset and prepare for the changes ahead, no matter what form they may take. Personally, when I think about navigating change in my own professional journey, some things I have learned during my career at Accenture include: Understand...
Accenture ₹6,00,000 IBM ₹5,00,000 Cisco ₹10,00,000 Source: Glassdoor Based on Experience Below is a description of the salary structure for cyber security analysts based on experience levels: Experience Level Number of Years Salary Entry-Level Professional < 1 ₹4,73,000 Early Car...
Accenture Nvidia Intel Lenovo Uber Wells Fargo Samsung Facebook, etc. One of the common traits that every successful AI Engineer has is the ability to think analytically. This allows them to interpret an outcome based on various parameters, thus, enabling them to come up with cost-effective sol...
It allows people to strike a balance: to have the ease and flexibility of working from home but also the opportunity to meet colleagues and team leaders in person and escape their bedrooms, kitchen tables and home offices. Accenture’s recent report, The Future...
“TA’s job,” saysGregory Karanastasis, global head of talent acquisition atAccenture, “is to show business stakeholders how the talent pool shrinks when we don’t think about flexibility.” 3. Be a storyteller Gather facts and anecdotes from your own experience with ca...
According to Accenture, the adoption rate of digital healthcare tools is increasing as we speak and 74% of patients were satisfied with the digital health services. Now that we have established the fact that mobile health apps are in-vogue but we are yet to find out the benefits of mobile...
How to Master AI Tools for Business FAQs Share AI has already started to change the world we live in. We now have access to artificial intelligence tools that are making certain areas of work and life faster and more productive. The pace of change is startling, making many more people wa...
A recent study by Accenture finds that high-performing HR leaders are four times more likely to have excellent relationships with their executive peers. So, finding out how to communicate well with your C-suite is key to increasing your influence and getting heard. Changing the way your company...