It measures about the size of a ruler (30cm long). The lining of the inner wall of the esophagus is made up of acid resistant cells at the bottom of the tube. It also has a sphincter at its junction with the stomach, which closes most of the time to prevent acid flowing backwards...
"As long as your baby looks comfortable while hiccupping, sit back and enjoy the cuteness," says Dr. James. However, frequent hiccups can be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease in babies. Also, in rare cases, hiccups that last an unusually long time can be a sign of a more ...
When it comes to venting systems, Dr. Brown's has been leading the way for a long time, and we can see why. Although the extra parts can be a hassle to clean, the Dr. Brown's system is beloved by parents who know the struggles of colic, spit-up, and gas troubles. And with the...
How Long Does Cradle Cap Last? This rash tends to show up around 2 to 3 weeks of age and lasts approximately 4 to 6 months. Cradle cap is estimated to affect 10% of infants up to the age of 1 month and 70% by 3 months of age. By the time infants are 1 to 2 years old, onl...
If your pain comes and goes, about how long does it last each time? Does it occur after eating certain types of foods or after drinking alcohol? Abdominal pain that occurs after eating may be due to indigestion. Does pain occur during menstruation? These are typical questions your doctor ...
6. Long-term security – Most professionally-installed security cameras come with an extended warranty, so you can rest assured that you’re protected. 7. Improved privacy – When you have asurveillancecamera, your footage will be recorded systematically, meaning it’s more difficult for someone ...
Some midwives may wait too long to bring the woman to the hospital -- direct-entry midwives aren't allowed to perform home births legally in some states, so they face arrest for showing up with a woman in distress. Some states are considering changing the laws to crack down on home ...
We discovered that we couldn't let our daughter sleep in past 8a. If she does, she fights going down for nap or bed, and doesn't sleep a long either time. Wake her up by 8a and she goes down without a fight, takes a good nap, and sleeps mostly if not completely through the nig...
Lay your baby down, you may opt to put a pillow on his/her head and let your baby stay that way as long as he/she is comfy. When your baby is crying too much, put down a pillow, let your baby lie on his/her tummy and gently rub or pat your baby's back. This eases your ...
This plant doesn’t need fertilizer as long as it’s grown in good quality soil. It does need a trellis, water, and mulch. Since this is a vining plant, if you don’t want it taking over an area, train it to climb a designated space. You can use cattle panels, tomato cages, or...