Colic is when an otherwise healthy baby cries inconsolably for more than three hours, more than three days a week, for three weeks or more. It can be tough to know what to do if your baby has colic, especially when nothing seems to work. So, how can you hold your baby when they ...
Don't last as long as silicone nipples Latex nipples are often referred to as the "old school" nipple. They're softer and more flexible, but they don't last as long as silicone and some babies are allergic to them. Parents sometimes turn to this latex nipple when their breastfed baby ...
Finally, check that the swaddle is not too tight around the hips and legs. Your baby’s lower body should still be able to move freely. Wrapping too tightly may lead to hip dysplasia, so as long as you can slip a hand between the swaddle and your baby’s chest, you’re good to go...
However, frequent hiccups can be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease in babies. Also, in rare cases, hiccups that last an unusually long time can be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition. Mention the hiccupping to your doctor if your baby: Seems to be in pain Spits...
Midwife comes from an old English word meaning "with woman," and since women have been the traditional birth attendants throughout history, midwives have existed for as long as babies have been born. There are references to midwives in ancient Greek and Roman texts, and midwives are mentioned ...
We discovered that we couldn't let our daughter sleep in past 8a. If she does, she fights going down for nap or bed, and doesn't sleep a long either time. Wake her up by 8a and she goes down without a fight, takes a good nap, and sleeps mostly if not completely through the nig...
Since our babies have very young colon and little flora in their tummies, it would do them great to have good bacteria introduced to help develop their digestive systems. 8. Homeopathic treatment Gripe water for gas is an over the counter, FDA approved treatment for colic and other tummy ...
The herb obtained its name from the Old Norse word ‘dilla’, which means to lull. Today herbalist still used it for colic babies, and is used commercially to scent soaps Dill likes full sun, protected from the wind, and the soil should be rich and well drained. ...
How Long Does Cradle Cap Last? This rash tends to show up around 2 to 3 weeks of age and lasts approximately 4 to 6 months. Cradle cap is estimated to affect 10% of infants up to the age of 1 month and 70% by 3 months of age. By the time infants are 1 to 2 years old, onl...
Older babies, however, tend to be on the move a lot more and don’t have as much trouble passing gas. The choice, of course, is yours to make – and if your baby is prone to colic or seems to have difficulty in digesting certain foods, then it would certainly be advisable to wait...