This procedure should be followed once a week. They say that this procedure helps in growing long and healthy mane and that the MTG has a very important role to play in it. So, if you are planning to follow the last trick, first you need to get your hands on a quality MTG….Easier...
Horses suffer several different forms of colic: impaction (blockage in the gut), spasmodic (think stomach cramps) and the most serious: twisted gut. The latter occurs when the highly mobile colon – one section of the horse’s 30m long gut – becomes displaced and either twists around itself...
Most horses that suffer a bout of mild colic will recover, often without veterinary treatment. However, despite advances in medical and surgical treatment, severe colic remains an important cause of death in horses.While many horses that recover from colic can go on for years without the ...
City Skylines Image Gallery Long before there was The Strip, Freemont Street in downtown Las Vegas was a hotbed of fun. There's still plenty to see and do on this street today. See more pictures of beautiful cities. ©2006 Las Vegas News Bureau There's just something about Las ...
Whether ingested or inhaled, several metals have long been recognized as hazards in the workplace and for miners; in Roman times, work in mercury mines was so lethal that only slaves and prisoners were sent into them. More recently, lead was removed from gasoline and p...
Your horse should eat about 1.5% of body weight in roughage each day. Horses can eat grain, but too much of it can cause digestive problems and weight gain.[9] Limit your horse’s grain intake to four to eight pounds per day, spread out over several meals. Oats are good type of gra...
How to manage pain and dehydration in horses with colic. In: 49th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practioners. International Veterinary Information Service, Ithaca, NY, 2003.D.N. Zimmel, How to manage pain and dehydration in horses with colic. American Association of ...