Radiation is the emission and transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. Radiation can be ionizing or nonionizing radiation, and only ionizing radiation has enough energy to potentially cause damage to cells and DNA. Sources of radiation include natural phenomena like ...
The track structure varies significantly with radiation quality and the increase in relative biological effectiveness observed with increasing linear energy transfer in part corresponds to an increase in the probability and complexity of clustered DNA damage produced. Likewise, correlation over larger scales...
Radiation is a method of heat transfer that does not rely upon any contact between the heat source and the heated object as is the case with conduction and convection. Heat can be transmitted through empty space by thermal radiation often called infrared radiation. This is a type electromagnetic...
The third type of heat transfer is called radiation. It is very important to life on Earth. With radiation, a heat source does not have to touch the object being heated. Radiation can even move heat through the emptiness of space. Nearly all thermal energy on Earth comes from the sun. ...
This property of solar radiation, described by Wien’s displacement law, traps heat between the glass panel and masonry wall, allowing the Trombe wall to effectively absorb heat while limiting its re-emission into the environment. Moreover, because the glass panel is only on the exterior of ...
In another study of pressure and osmolyte effects on higher order structure of DNA, a poly dA loop DNA hairpin was examined using a single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) procedure that allowed precise estimation of the amounts of the hairpin in each of the two states the...
The results showed that a 100 m increase in elevation delayed the SOS by 1.52 days and that the variation in slope temperature due to solar radiation was the main factor for the difference in grass SOS between different slopes. Li et al. [15] used a phenology camera to study the ...
The heat exchange by radiation decreases the temperature in the discharge channel, tending to decrease the electrode erosion rates during the discharge pulse. The electro-thermal model has, as input parameters, the discharge current intensity, the applied voltage, the work voltage, the pulse duration...
to focus and concentrate the sun's radiation onto a single tower-mounted receiver. Like parabolic troughs, heat-transfer fluid or water/steam is heated in the receiver (power towers, though, are able to concentrate the sun's energy as much as 1,500 times), eventually converted to steam an...
Nuclear energy does not release greenhouse gasses so does not contribute to global climate change. However, nuclear wastes are difficult to manage and accidents — and the threat of terrorism — are serious concerns. Carbon Dioxide Nuclear power has been called a clean source of energy because the...