Chapter12 RadiationHeatTransfer Radiationistheenergyemittedbymatterintheformofelectromagneticwaves(orphotons)asaresultofthechangesintheelectronicconfigurationsoftheatomsormolecules.Unlikeconductionandconvection,thetransferofenergybyradiationdoesnotrequirethepresenceofaninterveningmedium.Infact,energytransferbyradiationis...
In this paper we consider the case of local thermodynamic equilibrium, assuming that the spectral lines are both temperature- and pressure-shifted . The absorption coefficient of the gas is taken in idealized form, which substantially simplifies radiative heat transfer and enables us to integrate ...
The energy leaving A1 which reaches A2 is J1A1F1 − 2, and the energy leaving A2 which reaches A1 is J2A2F2 − 1. Therefore, the net energy transfer from A1 to A2 is q1 − 2 = J1A1F1 − 2 − J2A2F2 − 1, and using the reciprocity relation for shape factors we find...
An adequate treatment of thermal radiation heat transfer is essential to a mathematical model of the combustion process or to a design of a combustion system. This paper reviews the fundamentals of radiation heat transfer and some recent progress in its modeling in combustion systems. Topics covered...
Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space and may be able to penetrate various materials. Radiation can be classified according to its capability to ionize matter into two main categories: (1) ionizing radiation and (2) nonionizing radiation (Singh et al.2014a,b)...
The cell lines showed different sensitivity to photon radiation and most of the differences decreased after irradiation with helium ions with a linear energy transfer (LET) of about 40 keV/microns. However, all cell types had individual LET sensitization patterns and the mean relative biological ...
Several studies also considered the nanoscale energy transfer between a sphere and a surface [5], [10], [20]. Nanoscale radiation heat transfer between crystalline dielectrics can be significantly enhanced when absorption is considered [6], [12], [13], [21], [22]. This is particularly true...
The thermal radiation heat transfer is coupled to the overall energy conservation equations through the divergence of the local radiative flux. Commercially available FLUENT CFD software was used as a platform for the global thermal-fluid modeling of the SOFC and the radiation models were implemented ...
For all these processes, particularly, the interaction of radiation with infrared active molecules is of importance. These molecules strongly absorb terrestrial radiation, emitted from the earth’s surface, and they can also be excited by some heat transfer in the atmosphere. The absorbed energy is...
Method and system for direct, radiation-free energy transfer across liquid phase boundaries The system comprises a first molecule for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) added to the organic phase of liquid-liquid multi-phase system, and an amphiphilic protein comprising a hydrophilic domain ...