How Stress Messes With Your Gut Expand Your World with Science Learn and share the most exciting discoveries, innovations and ideas shaping our world today.SubscribeSign up for our newslettersSee the latest storiesRead the latest issueGive a Gift Subscription Follow Us:Return...
Scientists suspect that changes in that balance may play a role in conditions like autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and depression, as well as chronic pain. 9/ 16 Gut Bacteria and Obesity An unhealthy balance in your gut microbiome may cause crossed signals from your brain when it comes to ...
This is why most people's gut reactions to an anxiety attack make them feel worse rather than better. Don't be put off by my use of the word "discomfort". I know it's a mild, understated word for what you experience during an anxiety attack. But I wanted a word that began with ...
expressions serve useful and adaptive functions; (3) suggested that anticipating an emotion can trigger that emotion due to associations learned from past experiences; and (4) highlighted individual differences in emotional experiences that map on well with individual differences in risk-related decision...
That’s what trauma does. It makes us stuck. Is there any way to avoid getting traumatized today, considering the reality of heightened fear and anxiety? There’s something I always say – we cannot self-care our way out of a mentally unhealthy environment. So while some self-care practice...
Depressive anxiety disorder comprehends an ailment in which the individuals who suffer it present anxiety and depression. It seems that the causes are mainly provoked by alterations in the central nervous system; therefore, many effects of different neurotransmitters can also be altered....
Science-backed ways to improve your gut health What is a gut microbiome test – and do I need one? How much fibre should we eat in a day? What is a colon cleanse - helpful or harmful? Is fibre the new protein? How long does it take to digest food?
needed to nurture a healthy gut, including a healthy microbiome, proper digestion, and efficient nutrient absorption. Steve discusses all of the above, as well as the key processes involved with strengthening the gut lining, soothing histamine reactions, and reducing painful and embarrassing symp...
Go with Your Gut: How Bacteria May Affect Mental HealthHealth, TechEarth, PlanetStrange, SpaceAnimals, NewsHuman, HistoryShop, NatureHealth, TechEarth, PlanetStrange, SpaceAnimals, News
But evidence is mounting that the microbes in our intestines interact with our minds—and hearts—in significant ways. Gutbacteriahave been linked to depression, anxiety and the regions of thebrainthat process emotions. These regions share brain circuitry that affects cardiovascular issues such asblood...