You are standing at the kickoff of the match of your life, the match by which you will learn how to stop taking things personally. So as a referee, I brought my coin for the toss and every coin has two sides: heads or tails. And they ...
SometimesinEnglishweusetheverbdroptomeanstopdoingsomething, letitgo. Whenwefeelstuck, it'snaturalforustodothingsthatfeelcomfortableandfamiliar.在英语中,我们有时候用动词 drop 来表示停止做某件事情,让它去吧。当我们被困住时时,我们会很自然地做一些让我们感觉舒适和熟悉的事情。Weeventellourselvesthatthat's...
Whatever the reason, it’s important to be kind and compassionate with yourself. Clearly, you care about your motivation and ability to get things done. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here reading this article. You wouldn’t be out hunting for knowledge on being more productive and getting more...
He had a habit that troubled him deeply—he couldn't stop thinking about the past. 一个小男孩住在一个安静的村庄,但他的心却很不平静。他有一个深深困扰他的习惯——无法停止思考过去。 Old bad memories lingered in his thoughts, and if someone said something hurtfu...
000 words per-minute out loud. A contemporary State of the Union address is about 6,000 words and can last over an hour. So you are getting the same verbal punch thinking to yourself for about a-minute-and-a-half as yo...
Once you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions on your knees, you can start thinking about doing regular push-ups. To recap, if you can’t do a regular push-up, move from: Wall Push-Ups: Level 1 Elevated Push-Ups: Level 2 Knee Push-Ups: Level 3 ...
These proven strategies can help you stop overthinking and reduce your anxiety so you can focus on what matters.
Comparing yourself to others can be triggered even by the simplest things. So how do you stop it? We asked 23 experts,“how to stop being insecure about yourself?” Here are their top answers. Sumayya Essack, MSW, MBA Mindset Coach, Curate The Future ...
So if you want to ensure that the probability that everybody gets it is high, you need to say it three times. So cycling is one of the things that I always think about when I give a talk. 现在我已经谈到了如何开始,接下来我想给你一些启发式的例子,这些例子总是在我演讲时想到的。首先...
So … you want to know how to remember things. Excellent. You’re in the right place. The memory techniques I’m about to show you are the most effective strategies you can possibly use. How do I know? I used them personally to help me pass my Ph.D. in Humanities at York Universit...