The brain and body connection are working in overdrive to process your thoughts and feelings. When there is a disconnection between them due to this stressful event, the brain is trying to come to a solution to why this event took place. What to do to stop overthinking about it: Journaling...
If you really want to stop spending money you don’t have, you need to swear offborrowingmoney (aka debt). The truth is, debt steals your income. One purchase you make today can keep you trapped in payments (and interest) for months or years to come. Your debtownsyou until you pay ...
Youknow, ifyousaytoyourself, "I'malwaysscattered" or "I'malwaysrepetitive", you'regoingtoendupbeingscatteredandrepetitive.你知道,如果你对自己说,“我总是分散的”或“我总是重复的”,那么你的表达就会是分散切重复的。Sofirstofall, Iinviteyoutostartobservingthethoughtsthatyouhaveaboutyourselfasa...
天意难违,泰然处之。God will take care of you.Accept the inevitable, then get busy and pick up the pieces.第九章God grant me the serenityTo accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I can;And the wisdom to know the difference.第十章付出是沉没成本,学会止损。将过...
You cannot stop thinking negatively as long as you believe in it. The best way to stop negative thoughts is to stop believing in them. Negative thoughts lose their hold when you no longer believe in them. Avoid things that bring you down Negative thoughts are a two-sided coin. Avoiding ...
There's nothing to stop you from starting a business small, on weekends or in the evenings. It can involve a lot of time commitment and juggling with your day job but it can be the most risk free way to start a business.More popular business ideas to consider...
Many find that a change in environment or a certain type of music or white noise can contribute to getting “in the zone.” The key to how to stop procrastinating might be as simple as the right playlist. 9. Adopt a ship-it mentality This one’s for The Perfectionist. The expression ...
Can’t find your keys—again? Cognitive experts can help you stop searching (and stressing).你又找不到钥匙了吗?认知专家可以帮助你停止寻找(和压力)。 Sasha Bradford doesn’t have time to lose things. She’s a workin...
Especially if you're switching over from traditional marketing to online: you may get a dip in your pipeline of new clients as you stop doing traditional marketing and start setting up your online systems. Does a day a week seem like a lot of time? It's not if you think about it. ...
How can you stop worrying about having so much to do –so you can actually get things done? I’ll show you the solution I like – courtesy of David Allen. Take It Off My Todo List The solution?I take it off my regular todo list… ...