In short, all genes are transcribed into RNAs, but only mRNA is translated into proteins.As we have learned, genes are sections of DNA that contain information, information which is ultimately expressed through the processes of transcription and translation.As we have learned, genes are sections ...
Transcription and Translation Through the process of transcription, the enzyme RNA polymerase synthesizes mRNA which contains the information for synthesis of a particular protein or small number of proteins. The mRNA is single-stranded and is antiparallel and compl...
Describe how the RNA transcript is modified before it can be used to make proteins. Explain the processing steps in a eukaryotic pre-mRNA. What is the difference between transcription and translation? Where in the cell do they occur?
Through a process called transcription, bacteria first copy one of the two CRISPR DNA strands into a single complementary strand of RNA; the strand is complementary in that it matches the original DNA code, except it replaces T with U (uracil). Then, the microbes chop the lengthy strand ...
lncrnaslncrnatranscriptionregulate转录rnas GENEEXPRESSIONCopyright©2017TheAuthors,somerightsreserved;exclusivelicenseeAmericanAssociationfortheAdvancementofScience.NoclaimtooriginalU.S.GovernmentWorks.DistributedunderaCreativeCommonsAttributionNonCommercialLicense4.0(CCBY-NC).HowdolncRNAsregulatetranscription?YichengLong,1...
DNA undergoes replication, but RNA, insofar as modern science can ascertain, does not; it arises only from transcription.From a Latin root that means "a writing across," transcription is the encoding of a particular message in a copy of an original source. You may have heard of medical tran...
Transcription: The viral DNA in the nucleus separates and creates messenger RNA (mRNA), using the cell's own enzymes. The mRNA contains the instructions for making new viral proteins. Translation: The mRNA is carried back out of the nucleus by the cell's enzymes. The virus then uses the ...
How can DNA be transcribed to RNA? How do the bases of RNA differ from bases of DNA? How do transcription enzymes know the sequence of DNA that is to be translated into a required protein? Explain how DNA will be paired with mRNA and make the protein by genetic...
Why do we make RNA? Why does genetic mutation not include RNA? Why is uracil used in RNA? What makes one DNA molecule different from another? What are some examples of RNA that behave more like DNA, or more like proteins? What is the difference between transcription and DNA replication?
(Varga et al., 2011; Muramoto et al., 2013; Hutchinson et al., 2014; Vasin et al., 2014). There is some uncertainty about the proteome of influenza-A viruses due to the fact that, unlike most RNA viruses, the transcription and translation of their genome occurs in the nucleus, not...