How can DNA replication be modeled? How does DNA replication end? How does a DNA virus work? Why does a single-stranded DNA virus mutate? How do mesosomes help in DNA replication? What does the information in DNA tell a cell how to make? How does DNA control the structure of proteins?
How is DNA packaged in the nucleus of somatic cells? How does a RNA virus reproduce its genome? How does the nucleus control which proteins are made by the ribosomes? Do prokaryotes have exons? How are ribosomes involved in protein synthesis?
Fungi in the phyla Zygomycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota can each reproduce sexually. The difference is the structure the spores form in. Basidiomycota form fruiting bodies called mushrooms or basidius; Ascomycota have sacs called ascus; and Zygomycota produce zygospore. Vari...
These enzymes do everything from breaking glucose down for energy to building cell walls, constructing new enzymes and allowing the cell to reproduce. Enzymes do all of the work inside cells.1 2 3 4 … 14 Share: Print | Citation More Awesome Stuff Medicine Cipro Overview Life Science ...
double its normal size. Next, it makes a copy of all of its genetic material. This is through a process called DNA replication. Last, the cell actually splits down the middle into two identical ‘daughter’ cells.This process is roughly the same as how our body cells reproduce. ...
If a cell is just a collection of enzymes causing chemical reactions that make the cell do what it does, then how can a set of chemical reactions create the enzymes it needs, and how can the cell reproduce? Where does the miracle of life come from?
Germ cells are the only cells in the body capable of giving rise to a new organism, and this totipotency hinges on their ability to assemble membraneless germ granules. These specialized RNA and protein complexes are hallmarks of germ cells throughout their life cycle: as embryonic germ granules...
Cells divide. This makes cells small. Why do cells divide? Why must cells be small? Asexual Reproduction Mitosis Mitosis is the process in which the nucleus divides to form two new nuclei. How does mitosis differ in plants and animals? 4 ...
Each individual cell in an organism has a copy of the DNA pattern used to reproduce that cell. Usually, the DNA is combined within the cell, so you can’t see it. However, when you mix dish soap and salt with crushed strawberry pulp, it helps break down the strawberry cells into ind...
If all cells contain the same DNA, how do cells differentiate? How are genetic characteristics linked with DNA structure? How are DNA and protein synthesis related? How is Adenine similar to Nucleotide? How are protein synthesis and DNA replication similar?