1 . Here come some useful tips to develop your anti-anxiety abilities.Examine your anxiety 2 . Do not start beating yourself up about it, or tell yourself unhelpful things such as “I will never be able to get out of this” or “I am incapable.” Understand that you can overcome this...
"中"the ability to cope with the anxious thought"照应上文"coping abilities when you do feel anxiety",衔接恰当。 2. C "Do not start beating yourself up about it, or tell yourself unhelpful things such as 'I will never be able to get out of this' orI am incapable'.”说明了面对焦虑时...
Right now, one in 14 people around the world have an anxiety disorder, and each year, it costs over $42 billion to treat this mental health problem. To show you the impact that anxiety has on someone’s life, I will just mention that anxiety can lead to depression, school dropout, sui...
Right now, one in 14 people around the world have an anxiety disorder, and each year, it costs over $42 billion to treat this mental health problem. To show you the impact that anxiety has on someone’s life, I will just mention that anxiety can lead todepression, school dropout, suici...
How to Overcome Anxiety What are you doing on thisstage in front of all these people? Run! Run now. That's the voice of my anxietytalking. Even when there's absolutely nothing wrong, I sometimes get thisoverwhelming sense of doom, like danger is lurking just around the corner. You see...
1. F 上文 “When trying to overcome it, you should not try to get rid of your feelings of anxiety but should aim to develop your coping abilities when you do feel anxiety."说明克服焦虑的关键是提升处理情绪的能力,F项“Having the ability to cope with anxious thought is the key to ...
上文“When trying to overcome it, you should not try to get rid of your feelings of anxiety but should aim to develop your coping abilities when you do feel anxiety.”(当尝试克服焦虑的时候,你不应该试图消除焦虑情绪,而是应该以提升自己处理焦虑情绪的能力为目标。)说明克服焦虑的关键是提升处理情绪...
Chronic anxiety can have negative health effects, so managing it is important for both your mental and physical well-being. The good news? With the right tools, you can take back control. From grounding techniques to simple breathing exercises, these strategies can help you calm your mind and...
Below are some of the reasons why being in nature is so important for teen mental health. #1: Nature Relieves Depression and Anxiety Many of us have personally experienced how a walk outside or a swim in the ocean can shift our mood. However, this isn’t just anecdotal. Research has rep...
If you can't decide what to do, you'll likely put off taking action in case you do the wrong thing. Warning: For some people, procrastination is more than a bad habit; it's a sign of a serious underlying health issue. For example, ADHD, OCD, anxiety, and depression are associated...