Be prepard for the next Houston Warrant Roundup. If you have warrants, don't just pay the underlying tickets to avoid the warrant roundup. If you pay the underlying charges on your ticket, you will be convicted of the charges. These convictions will go on your record and could result in...
Houston Municipal Court remains in grip of computer virusHouston Chronicle
A court will state on its website the ways that a defendant can pay a traffic ticket. For example,City of Houston Municipal Courtsallow a defendant to pay in-person, by phone online, by mail and via Western Union. There are rules for each type of payment; for example, online payments ...
In the end, it should be a win-win for everyone. Enough money may be generated to pay back all or part of what is due the unsecured creditors. Counsel for the debtor and the creditors will be heroes. The Court will be happy. The contingency fee lawyers, who get paid if they win, ...
Texas Supreme Court Affirms Significant Houston Workers Pension Ruling in Klumb, et al. v. Houston Municipal Employees Pension System, et al.J. Rob Fowler