Remember, when you post a bond to get out of warrants, you have not been convicted and you will receive a new court date. On your new court date, you can come to the Houston court and contest the charges on your outstanding ticket. This article about the "Houston Warrant Round-up" w...
Houston Municipal Court remains in grip of computer virusHouston Chronicle
A court will put a hold on a person’s driver’s license if the ticket calls for the offender to come to court, but the offender does appear in court and takes no other action to resolve the ticket. A hold limits the offender’s ability to legally drive and to renew their license. ...
I went to the Service department and my ticket was waiting. I took it to Parts to pay, and by the time I was finished they were wheeling the bike out for me to ride away. They recommended changing the oil every 2000 miles on the Rebel, and cleaning the oil trap once a year. A ...
Texas Supreme Court Affirms Significant Houston Workers Pension Ruling in Klumb, et al. v. Houston Municipal Employees Pension System, et al.J. Rob Fowler