To avoid being arrested in the Houston Warrant Roundup, you can post a cash bondorpay a surety bondsman or an attorney bondsman to post a bond for you. You will then be out of warrants (i.e. no longer subject to arrest)and can still fight your tickets in the City of Houston Munic...
Accomplishments for Collections in 2018 are as follows: • Collected $1,251,678.84 • Continued generating past due notices in-house for payable tickets • Generate notices when a partial payment is received on a payable ticket and refer to collection • Bond money forfeited by the Court ...
Additionally, the FCMC and the DOPPS has begun receiving national attention for its many achievements as evidenced by the Court being selected to present two workshops at the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) Winter Training Institute that took place in Houston, Texas in January 2018...