Momma Finch checks her eggs -mouseover image to see her in action Closeups of Mom keeping the eggs warm I've seen (and heard!) the Mom pecking at the eggs twice today They appear more pock-marked than I remember - could be soon! ;-) April 27th: afterwards, I noticed something amiss...
After being on the nest almost continuously since laying the eggs, Momma Finch was last seen at 8:00PM on June 3rd ... this is really sad news. Poppa Finch came back briefly mid-morning on June 4th and 5th. Something bad must have happened for the parents to abandon the nest ... s...
Albino Eggs of the House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis)doi:10.1093/condor/11.1.34RichardsU.T.U.W.U.The Condor: Ornithological ApplicationsBergtold, W. H. 1913 . A study of the House Finch ( Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis ) . Auk 78 : 63 – 71 ....
Define house wren. house wren synonyms, house wren pronunciation, house wren translation, English dictionary definition of house wren. n. A small brown wren found throughout the Americas. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Ed provides information and resources on bluebirds and other cavity nesters & birdhouse birds | Eastern, mountain & western bluebirds
Gil D, Graves JA, Hazon N, Wells A (1999) Male attractiveness and differential testosterone investment in zebra finch eggs. Science 286:126–128 Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar González G, Sorci G, Møller AP, Ninni P, Haussy C, de Lope F (1998) Immunocompetence and condition-depe...
The probability the case of dumping females, the cuckolding male was of every paternal band being present in an unrelated often the resident male in whose nest the eggs were male is 0.1542, which corresponds to an exclusion laid. Cases of 'quasi-parasitism' (Wrege & Emlen, probability of ...
First, although the vast majority of bird species are socially monogamous, many species also engage in extra-pair copulations so that broods are usually composed of chicks sired by different fathers [29–32]. Genetic paternity analyses allow the detection of extra-pair (EP) paternity and ...
Just being there, watching my still-young son, standing just above the goldenrod and tall field grasses, remote in hand, eyes on the vast blue sky, white bird soaring above, the heavy, hot air, scented with blooms and all things growing… that was enough. It was an island in our ...
Zebra Finch or Japanese Quail eggs, the eggs of House Sparrows (PasserOrnithological, The CooperOrnithological, The Cooper