House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)male (right) with Common Redpoll at Ocracoke, Hyde Co., NC 1/17/04. Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea)at Ocracoke, Hyde Co., NC 1/17/04. American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) Digiscoping: The term "digiscoping" refers to taking a digital photograph...
Detail house sparrow, birdsong in nature Wild Orchid flower in nature on the spring background Detail dry grass in nature on blur background Chicken eggs on white background Black silhouette of norhern gannet at sunset Great tit bird on green background African elephant on the black Bee on...
My friends and I went to Finch’s Tea & Coffee House for brunch on Saturday morning. I always want to try this coffee house out before.I was so excited that I had a chance to try it. Finch’s Tea & Coffee House opened at 11 am on Saturday. The location of the ...
We leave about 8, driving up the dirt road to Bellavista, the other well known birding lodge, about 2100m, and a bit beyond, to the intersection that’s good for tanager finch at 2200m. Another bus of birders is there, how dare they. We work up the road, but it suddenly clouds up...
MY grandmother came to Shamrock on the train she was around 11 or so. He Uncle Tom ran the boarding house there it was the only true building the rest of the city was a tent city at the time. She was born in 1913 in Arkansas and moved there for the oil boom. My mother grew up...