Momma Finch checks her eggs -mouseover image to see her in action Closeups of Mom keeping the eggs warm I've seen (and heard!) the Mom pecking at the eggs twice today They appear more pock-marked than I remember - could be soon! ;-) April 27th: afterwards, I noticed something amiss...
House Finch eggs visible as Momma lifts up Momma Finch about to leave her nest -mouseover image to see eggs after she flys away Both Momma and Poppa Finch are in this frame grabfrom the Hi-Def video Momma Finch just hanging out in her nest and checking her eggs as she does most of ...
Albino Eggs of the House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis)doi:10.1093/condor/11.1.34RichardsU.T.U.W.U.The Condor: Ornithological ApplicationsBergtold, W. H. 1913 . A study of the House Finch ( Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis ) . Auk 78 : 63 – 71 ....
Elihu regularly donates the proceeds from his Eggs of Hope sales to Drilling for Hope, a non profit run by local woman Karen Flewelling. She asked Elihu if he’d play drums for the opening night of “Faces of Rwanda”, a collection of gorgeous black and white pictures taken of Karen’s ...
Zebra Finch or Japanese Quail eggs, the eggs of House Sparrows (PasserOrnithological, The CooperOrnithological, The Cooper