Horehound herb has a long history of use for its wellness-supporting properties in traditional European folk herbalism. Typical preparations include tea, tincture, botanical candy, and syrup. Egyptian priests referred to horehound as the "Seed of Horus", which some speculate its modern name came ...
VBRM Synonym MARRUBIUM VULGARE L. [LAMIACEAE]; Marrubium vulgare L. [Lamiaceae] Storage condition 20-30C References 5g 下一个:C30647005上一个:C30645005 联系我们 电话:021-60498804 邮箱:info@e-biochem.com 地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪路258弄27号航星商务楼2-404 ...
Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) was once the star of herbal medicine. And rightly so. Originally from the Mediterranean and Central Asia, this bitter herb was in high demand in the Orient and throughout Europe. It was so popular that even the Vikings traded in horehound. In the Middle Ages, ...
The herb has also be used as a remedy for loss of appetite, indigestion, intestinal worms, irregular menstruation, some menopause symptoms, and as a mild expectorant agent for treating ailments associated with the respiratory system, such as a sore throat, cough, bronchitis and mild cases of a...
Extracts from the horehound herb showed significant antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activity, confirming the plant's potential in therapeutic applications against various microbial pathogens (gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi). The research results demonstrate the protective effe...
White horehound is native to all of Europe, Asia and the northern part of Africa. It was transported to North America by the European colonists who brought it over with other medicinal herbs for their gardens. It has now naturalized throughout North America. It is perennial in zones 3 throug...
Variability in chromosomes, herb yield, essential oil content and potentials of horehound for North American commercial production. Effect of Phenological Stage and Geographical Location on Antioxidant Activities of Tunisian Horehound: Marrubium vulgare L. (Lamiac......
herb,herbaceous plant- a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests genus Marrubium,Marrubium- Old World aromatic herbs: horehound common horehound,Marrubium vulgare,white horehound- European aromatic herb with ha...
herb,herbaceous plant- a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests genus Marrubium,Marrubium- Old World aromatic herbs: horehound common horehound,Marrubium vulgare,white horehound- European aromatic herb with ha...