A member for the mint family, Marrubium vulgare is a flowering perennial with green and white leaves and a distinct bitter taste. Native to Asia and Europe, horehound grows in a wide range of climates and is now naturalized to North America. Horehound herb has a long history of use for it...
aherbsimilartomint, but used to makemedicinesand not forcooking: Shepreparedaspecialteawithpeppermintand horehound, which sherecommendedforindigestion. Thecompanyisknownforitshorehoundcoughdropswith astrong,bitterflavour. More examples You can stillbuyhorehoundbeer, asoftdrinkmade with horehound for adistin...
White horehound has a bitter smell when fresh. The odor diminishes as it dries but the taste remains bitter. White horehound is often mistakenly identified as one of the bitter herbs eaten at Passover. Modern research has revealed that it is not one of the bitter herbs referenced in the Bib...
The herb has also be used as a remedy for loss of appetite, indigestion, intestinal worms, irregular menstruation, some menopause symptoms, and as a mild expectorant agent for treating ailments associated with the respiratory system, such as a sore throat, cough, bronchitis and mild cases of a...
EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 7.0White horehound1. verbenalin2. ferulic acid3. unknown substance(may be absent)4. acteosideFigure 1854.-1. – Chromatogram for the assay of verbena herb: test solution— stationary phase: octadecylsilyl silica gel forchromatography R (5 μm);— temperature: 20 °C.Mobile...