Horehound herb has a long history of use for its wellness-supporting properties in traditional European folk herbalism. Typical preparations include tea, tincture, botanical candy, and syrup. Egyptian priests referred to horehound as the "Seed of Horus", which some speculate its modern name came ...
common horehound,Marrubium vulgare,white horehound- European aromatic herb with hairy leaves and numerous white flowers in axillary cymes; leaves yield a bitter extract use medicinally and as flavoring 2.horehound- a candy that is flavored with an extract of the horehound plant ...
In addition, the herb has astringent properties and may be used externally to treat minor skin rashes, insect bites, and sunburn. It can also be applied topically in the form of a compress as a relief for rheumatic diseases such asgout. Dosage and Administration As a tea: Add 1 or 2 te...
aherbsimilartomint, but used to makemedicinesand not forcooking: Shepreparedaspecialteawithpeppermintand horehound, which sherecommendedforindigestion. Thecompanyisknownforitshorehoundcoughdropswith astrong,bitterflavour. More examples You can stillbuyhorehoundbeer, asoftdrinkmade with horehound for adistin...