helplog Print out all console commands to game.log file. hsv Converts RGB to HSV human_ai 打开或关闭玩家 AI instant_prepare Instantly prepares naval invasions 仅供开发者使用 instant_wargoal 允许你迅速正当化战争理由 instantconstruction(ic) 所有建筑立即完工(对ai同样有效) instanttraining(it) 立即完成...
instanttraining Aliases: it Toggles instant army training cheat. ironman Not available in release build Applies Ironman status to current game. list_flags Arguments: <scope> Lists all flags in a scope or for the selected country/state/unitleader list_ideas Dump all ideas to console (minister...
instanttraining Aliases: it Toggles instant army training cheat. ironman Not available in release build Applies Ironman status to current game. list_flags Arguments: <scope> Lists all flags in a scope or for the selected country/state/unitleader list_ideas Dump all ideas to console (minister...
helplog Print out all console commands to game.log file. hsv Converts RGB to HSV human_ai 打开或关闭玩家 AI instant_prepare Instantly prepares naval invasions 仅供开发者使用 instant_wargoal 允许你迅速正当化战争理由 instantconstruction(ic) 所有建筑立即完工(对ai同样有效) instanttraining(it) 立即完成...