research_on_icon_clickresearch_on_icon_clickThis command will instantly research any technology when its icon is clicked in the technology tree. This command is also known as the 'instant research' cheat. annexannex [country tag / 'all']This command starts an annex with the specified country ...
instant_prepareUsing this command will allow naval invasions to skip preparation time. To be able to use this command, you must add ‘-debug’ to your HOI4 launch options, otherwise it will not work. massconquerOpen the ‘mass conquer’ tool with this console command. ...
requestgamestate Requests the gamestate from host research [<slot id> or "all"] 完成研究从科研槽或全部 research_on_icon_click 点击科技树图标时研究一项技术 resign 退出游戏 run Runs the specified file with list of commands savecheck Makes a save file (Test_01), loads the save file, makes ...
All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Activates Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock and Agency.Autocomplete Audio.PlayEffect Arguments: effect_name Play the specified sound effect IP Shows your IP PostEffectVolumes.Default Arguments: posteffect_values ...
All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Activates Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock and Agency.Autocomplete Audio.PlayEffect Arguments: effect_name Play the specified sound effect IP Shows your IP PostEffectVolumes.Default Arguments: posteffect_values ...