helphelp [command]If executed with no arguments (just 'help'), this command will print a list of commands. If executed with a command as an argument, it will print help for the specified command. Focus.AutoCompletefocus.autocompleteThis command allows for instant completion of national focuses....
Focus.AutoComplete 允许国策立刻完成 对 AI 有效 Focus.NoChecks 无视国策的条件 对 AI 有效 Focus.IgnorePrerequisites 无视国策前提要求 允许从国策树中间开始点国策 Decision.NoChecks 无视决策的条件 同样不会消耗政治点数 instant_prepare 立刻准备好海军入侵 只在调试模式下生效。 it 陆军和海军立刻演练完成 对 ...
All Console Commands All Tweakable Variables All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Activates Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock and Agency.Autocomplete Audio.PlayEffect Arguments: effect_name Play the specified sound effect IP Shows your IP PostEffect...
All Console Commands All Tweakable Variables All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Activates Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock and Agency.Autocomplete Audio.PlayEffect Arguments: effect_name Play the specified sound effect IP Shows your IP PostEffect...
All Console Commands 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats Agency.Instant Activates Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock and Agency.Autocomplete Audio.PlayEffect Arguments: effect_name Play the specified sound effect IP Shows your IP PostEffectVolumes.Default Arguments: pos...