参考资料: 1.Maria Loustau1,etal.HLA-G Neo-Expression on Tumors.Front.Immunol.,14 August 2020 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2020.01685. 2. Daniëlle Krijgsman,et al.HLA-G: A New Immune Checkpoint in Cancer? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(12), 4528; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21...
恺佧生物隆重推出荧光标记的HLA-G多肽复合物,助力新药研发 2022年3月9日,CDE通过了一款靶向LILRB2的潜在“first-in-class”新型抑制性抗体IO-108的临床试验申请,这款抗体由专注癌症免疫疗法的以明生物(Immune-Onc Therapeutics)开发,拟用于治疗实体瘤。早在2021年8月12日,IO-108就已获得美国FDA批准用于治疗实体瘤...
Cancer is a major cause of death worldwide. These include breast, pulmonary, colorectal, and prostate. It is known that cancer is caused by lifestyle such as diet, alcohol, and cigarette consumption and that one-third of cancer deaths are due to these factors. In addition to these drivers,...
HLA-G and its KIR ligands in cancer--another enigma yet to be solved? J Pathol 2002;196:252-3 [review].Urosevic M,Trojan A,Dummer R.HLA-G and its KIR ligands in cancer-another enigma yet to be solved?. Journal of Paleopathology . 2002...
stage, as well as on the use of HLA-G as a novel therapeutic target in cancer. Human Leukocyte Antigen-G (HLA-G) Expression in Cancers: Roles in Immune Evasion, Metastasis and Target for Therapy ArticleOpen access24 August 2015 The HLA-G immune checkpoint: a new immuno-stimulatory role ...
此外,已有报道称,许多癌症患者的癌细胞中的hla-g表达水平与癌症的分期有关,还有报道称,表达hla-g的患者生存率较低(ye,sr.、yang,h.、li,k.等人humanleukocyte antigen g expression:as a significant prognostic indicator forpatients with colorectal cancer.mod.pathol.20,375-383(2007))。
0variancancerHLA—G IL一10 肿瘤的发生发展与机体免疫功能状态密切相关,当 宿主处于免疫功能低下或免疫耐受状态时,肿瘤发病率 增高。HLA—G分子是唯一表达于母胎界面的HLA—I 类抗原分子,表现出免疫抑制功能;其次,HLA—G分子 还可调节IL一10、IL一2、GM—GSF等细胞因子的分泌,进 ...
采用cBioPortal分析工具(http://www.cbioportal.org/)对肿瘤基因图谱(The Cancer Genoma Atlas,TCGA,http://cancergeome.nih.gov/)数据库中的HLA-G基因改变频率进行分析。利用Kaplan-Meier Plotter数据库(www.kmplot.com)对720例肺腺癌患者HLA-G的表达和预后...
have recently validated the binding of CREB to HLA-G promotor sequences in renal cancer cells [17]. In addition, the binding of IRF-1, HIF-1, or HSF-1 to corresponding elements augmented HLA-G transcription in response to external stimuli, respectively [27,28,29]. Unlike HLA-E and HLA...
astargetsforcancertherapy.CancerSei,2004,95(10):777—783. 15 FrenchLE,Ts,‘ hoppJ.Defectivedeathre(~eptorsignalingasacause oftumorimmuneeseape.SeminCantelBiol,2002,12(1):51—55. 16 MedemaJP, invlvobyexpressionofcellularFLICE—inhibitmyprotein.JExp ...