HLA-DRB1*01:03 and Severe Ulcerative Colitis Marie Vibeke Vestergaard, MSc1; Anne Krogh Nøhr, PhD1; Kristine Højgaard Allin, MD, PhD1,2; et al Henrik Krarup, MD, PhD3,4; Lone Larsen, MD, PhD1,2; Aleksejs Sazonovs, PhD1; Tine Jess, MD, DMSc1,2 Author Affiliations JAMA...
We deduced the probable HLA haplotypes in association with A*24:287 in Taiwanese to be A*24:287-B*40-DRB1*15 and A*24:287-B*58-DRB1*03:01. Information on the deduced probable HLA haplotypes in association with the low incidence A*24:287 allele that we report here are of value for...
HLA-DRB1*01:03 and Severe Ulcerative Colitis Marie Vibeke Vestergaard, MSc1; Anne Krogh Nøhr, PhD1; Kristine Højgaard Allin, MD, PhD1,2; et al Henrik Krarup, MD, PhD3,4; Lone Larsen, MD, PhD1,2; Aleksejs Sazonovs, PhD1; Tine Jess, MD, DMSc1,2 Author Affiliations JAMA...