The classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1*03:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:01 alleles are established autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) risk alleles. To study the immune-modifying effect of these alleles, we imputed the genotypes from genome-wide association data i
We deduced the probable HLA haplotypes in association with A*24:287 in Taiwanese to be A*24:287-B*40-DRB1*15 and A*24:287-B*58-DRB1*03:01. Information on the deduced probable HLA haplotypes in association with the low incidence A*24:287 allele that we report here are of value for...
机译:台湾人保守的HLA-A * 02:01-B * 13:01-DRB1 * 14:01:03单倍型与DRB1 * 14:01:03和DRB1 * 14:54之间可能存在紧密的关系。 3. Recognition of the three deduced probable human leukocyte antigen haplotypes in association with HLA-A?31:30 (A?31:30-B?15-DRB1?14) and HLA-B?40:55 (...