Locus-specific control of DQ gene transcription is both tissue-specific and developmentally regulated and relies on complex mechanisms involving specific DNA-protein interactions. Electrophoretic mobility shift and DNase I protection assays demonstrate the presence of unique nuclear protein interactions with ...
1) HLA-DQ gene HLA-DQ基因 例句>> 2) HLA-DQ genotypes HLA-DQ基因型 1. Subclassificatin of seronegative type 1 diabetic subjects withHLA-DQ genotypes; 应用HLA-DQ基因型对自身抗体阴性1型糖尿病的再分型 更多例句>> 3) HLA-DQ alleles ...
HLA-DQgene in acuteonsetautoimmune type 1 diabetes patients. Research design:Case control study. Methods:Use radioligandassay todetectzinic transporter 8 autoantibody (ZnT8A)、glutamic acid decarboxylaseautoantibody(GADA)、proteintyrosine phosphataseautoantibody(IA-2A)in ...
4 黄立东,陆佩华,林琳等.中国汉族人HLA-DQA1 0601基因转录启动子区显示新的核酸序列.上海免疫学杂志,1997;17(1)∶10 5 Kimura A,Sasauki T.Polymorphism in the 5' flanking region of the HLA-DQA1 gene and its relation to the DR-DQ haplotype.HLA 1991 Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992;2∶382...
A Study on the Correlation of HLA-DR, DQ Gene Polymorphisms with Bullous Pemphigoid; HLA-DR、DQ基因与类天疱疮的相关性研究 5. A Study of Toxoplasma Infection on Epidemiology and the Association with HLA-DQ; 弓形虫感染的流行病学调查及HLA-DQ基因相关性研究 6. A Study on the Association of...
The particular histocompatability antigen (HLA) gene(s) that may confer systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility remains unknown. In the present study, 58 unrelated patients and 69 controls have been analyzed for their class I and class II serologic antigens, class II (DR and DQ) DNA...
HLA D (-P,-Q,-R) genes are members of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) gene family and have analogs in other mammalian species. In mice the MHC locus known as IA is homologous to human HLA DQ. Several autoimmune diseases that occur in humans that are mediated by DQ also can...
The HLA-DQ2 gene dose effect in celiac disease is directly related to the magnitude and breadth of gluten- specific T cell responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100:12390–5. 41. Sollid LM. Coeliac disease: dissecting a complex inflammatory disorder. Nat Rev Immunol 2002;2:647–55. ...
Keywords:toxoplasma,epidemiology,HLA-DQgene 重庆医科太学硕士研究生毕业论文 刖吾 第一部份弓形虫感染I构ntd'-r病学调查 弓形虫病是全球感染最普遍的人兽共患寄生虫病之一a弓形虫具有终宿主与 中间宿主双宿主生活周期的特点,在人体主要寄生于细胞内,终宿主为猫科动物, ...
IκBα gene promoter polymorphisms are associated with hepatocarcinogenesis in patients infected with hepatitis B virus genotype C. Carcinogenesis 30, 1916–1922 (2009). Article CAS Google Scholar Long, X.D., Ma, Y., Zhou, Y.F., Ma, A.M. & Fu, G.H. Polymorphism in xeroderma ...