HLA-DQ gene polymorphism in primary IgA nephropathy in three European populations. Kidney Int 1996;49:477e80.Fennessy M, Hitman GA, Moore RH, Metcalfe K, Medcraft J, Sinico RA, Mustonen JT, D’Amico G (1996) HLA-DQ gene polymorphism in primary IgA nephropathy in three European populations...
HLA-DQ DQ1 binding pocket with ligand major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ Structure Type Cell surface receptor Quartenary αβ-heterodimer, ligand
HLA-DQ基因 1) HLA-DQ gene HLA-DQ基因 例句>> 2) HLA-DQ genotypes HLA-DQ基因型 1. Subclassificatin of seronegative type 1 diabetic subjects withHLA-DQ genotypes; 应用HLA-DQ基因型对自身抗体阴性1型糖尿病的再分型 更多例句>> 3) HLA-DQ alleles...
HLA-DQgene in acuteonsetautoimmune type 1 diabetes patients. Research design:Case control study. Methods:Use radioligandassay todetectzinic transporter 8 autoantibody (ZnT8A)、glutamic acid decarboxylaseautoantibody(GADA)、proteintyrosine phosphataseautoantibody(IA-2A)in ...
Systematic Review nature publishing group HLA-DQ genetics in children with celiac disease: a meta-analysis suggesting a two-step genetic screening procedure starting with HLA-DQ β chains Annalisa De Silvestri1, Cristina Capittini1, Dimitri Poddighe2, Chiara Valsecchi2, Gianluigi Marseglia2, Sara ...
Article: Nucleotide sequencing of HLA-DQ gene second exons in Chinese homozygous cells
Description: This SK10 monoclonal antibody reacts with the human MHC Class II HLA-DQ molecule. This cell surface receptor is a heterodimeric protein composed of an alpha (HLA-DQA1) and beta (HLA-DQB1) subunit. HLA-DQ is expressed on antigen presenting cells such as B cells, monocytes, mac...
Keywords:toxoplasma,epidemiology,HLA-DQgene 重庆医科太学硕士研究生毕业论文 刖吾 第一部份弓形虫感染I构ntd'-r病学调查 弓形虫病是全球感染最普遍的人兽共患寄生虫病之一a弓形虫具有终宿主与 中间宿主双宿主生活周期的特点,在人体主要寄生于细胞内,终宿主为猫科动物, ...