Our observations show for the first time a higher proportion of individuals HLA DQ2/DQ8 positive in women with RPL as compared to controls (and to general population estimates). Further studies are needed to better understand (i) the possible pathogenic mechanism to this observation; (ii) the ...
Presents a letter to the editor about the association of the human leukocyte antigen DQ2 and/or DQ8 with celiac disease-specific autoantibodies to tissue transglutaminase in families with thyroid autoimmunity.American Journal of Gastroenterology (Springer Nature)Badenhoop...
Celiac disease, HLA DQ2, HLA DQ8, epidemiologyStudies suggest that vitamin D may be involved in the pathogenesis of allergic disorders, asthma and decreased lung function. However, results are inconsistent and only few prospective studies have examined adults. The purpose of this study was to ...
Narcolepsy to HLA-DR2 and HLA–DQB1*06:02发作性睡病 HLA-DR2 和 HLA-DQB1*06:02 Psoriasis to HLA-C*06:02银屑病到 HLA-C*06:02 Rheumatoid arthritis to HLA-DR4类风湿性关节炎与 HLA-DR4 Type 1 diabetes mellitus to HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 HLA-DQ2 和 HLA-DQ8 的 1 型糖尿病 Complement...
Results Twenty-one patients (60 %) carried HLA-DQ2 or DQ8, twice the frequency of the general population ( P <0.001). In particular DQ2 was overrepresented ( P =0.013). Gender, age, disease stage, histopathological grade, or multifocality of primary tumor did not differ between patients ...
HLA-DQ8基因编码了一种特定的HLA-DQ亚型,它是由HLA-DQA1*03和HLA-DQB1*03:02两个等位基因组成。 HLA-DQ8基因型与自身免疫性疾病的发病风险增加有关。例如,它与1型糖尿病、乳糜泻和类风湿性关节炎等疾病的发病风险增加相关。HLA-DQ8基因型也被认为与一些药物过敏反应的易感性有关。 HLA-DQ8基因型的检测可以...
HLA-B27 HLA-DQ2DQ8 HPV(附翻译)HLA-B27 Definition. HLA-B27 findet sich bei etwa 8 % der kaukasischen Bevölkerung auf der Oberfläche von Leukozyten und ist stark mit dem Vorkommen des Morbus Bechterew (ankylosierende Spondylitis), aber auch anderer Störungen mit einem Autoimmun...
ARTICLES nature publishing group Single-chain recombinant HLA-DQ2.5/peptide molecules block 2-gliadin-specific pathogenic CD4+ T-cell proliferation and attenuate production of inflammatory cytokines: a potential therapy for celiac disease J Huan1,2, R Meza-Romero1,2, JL Mooney1,2, AA Vandenbark1...