HLA B27: a disease-associated immune response gene. Res Immunol. 1991 Jun-Aug; 142 (5-6):475–482.McMichael A, Bell J. HLA-B27: a disease associated im- mune response gene. Res Immunol 1991: 142: 475-482.Mcmichael A,,Bell J.HLA-B27:a disease-associated immune response gene. ...
DNA sequencing-based typing, and sequence alignment against gene bank databases, such as the interna...
Name :HLA-B27 gene Detection Kit (Real-Time PCR Method) 【包装规格】25T/盒、50T/盒 【预期用途】 人类白细胞抗原(HLA)是一种个体特异性抗原,位于人类第 6 号染色体上,包括 A、B、C、D、DP、DQ、DR 七个位点,HLA-B27 是其中之一。HLA-B27 与类风/湿性脊柱炎(AS)具有高度相关性,因此,检测 HLA-...
背景 放射学阴性中轴型脊柱关节炎(nr-axSpA)的诊断依据是放射学上无骶髂关节炎改变,但磁共振成像(MRI)出现骨髓水肿(BME)。根据国际脊柱关节炎评估协会(ASAS)的分类标准,在没有BME的情况下,不能将MRI上的骶髂关节(SIJS)结构改变...
TypingdetectionofHLA-B27genesubtype HUANGBao—ying,YANGJing,FUXian—guo,eta1.(LaboratoryofCell andMolecularBiology,NingdeMunicipalHospital,FujianMedicalUniversity,Ningde352100,China) Abstract:objective ToinvestigatethedistributionofHLA—B27allelesubtypesbyHIA-B27SSP(sequencespe— ...
其他还包括HLA-DRB1*0101、HLA-DR4、MHC(HLA class)-IⅡ、低分子蛋白酶体(lowolecular weight proteasome.LMP)、抗原加工相关转运子(transporter associated with antigenrocessing,TAP)、主要组织相容性复合体I类相关基因A(major histocompatibility complexass I chain-related gene A,MICA)、肿瘤坏死因子-a(tumor ...
在⋯。(2 ) 免疫应答基 因学说 (immune response gene theory ) 认为人 的 Ir基 因包含在 HLAⅡ类基 因群中 ,特定的 Ⅱ类基因 型别可能导致特定的异常免疫应答 ,从而表现为易感某 种疾 病。(3) 受体学说 (receptor theory) 认为 HLA 抗原 可能是 微 ...
Gene ID:3106HLA-B UniProt:P03989 UniProt:P01889 研究领域 免疫学 免疫学 适应性免疫学 文献引用 Application Reference Liu CHet al.J Clin Invest 2019; (Epub) HLA-B27-mediated activation of TNAP phosphatase promotes pathogenic syndesmophyte formation in ankylosing spondylitis. ...
HLA-B27基因检测的临床应用 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
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