Some HLA gene alleles are associated with certain diseases and autoimmune disorders. They are not diagnostic of the disorders but can be useful in helping to confirm or exclude a diagnosis. Relationships have also been documented between certain alleles and sensitivities to specific drugs. Genetic fac...
Genet Test 2006: 10: 98-103.Dowing J,Coates E,Street J, et al.A High-Resolution Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence-Specific Primer HLA-B*27 Typing Set and Its Application in Routine HLA-B27 Testing. Genetic Testing . 2006DOWING J; COATES E; STREET J;.A high- resolution polymerase chain...
HLA-B27 determination has obtained clinical significance in the past decades in the routine diagnostic work-up of SpA due to its strong genetic association with disease. HLA-B27 determination has a sensitivity of 83–96%, specificity of 90–96%, and a likelihood ratio of 9.0 for AS in Caucas...
Around ninety percent of individuals with AS have a genetic marker called HLA-B27. This gene, however, does not need to be positive to have AS. Vitamin D and Its Role in Autoimmunity: A Case Report Most people with AS have a gene called HLA-B27. In most cases, the gene is ruled out...
However, as a results of the European colonization and migration associated with marked reduction/eliminations and/or genetic alteration of many of these native populations, the current prevalence of HLA-B27 has markedly changed. Therefore, the prevalence of HLA-B27 is currently approximately 6% in ...
Statistical analyses were carried out using the χ2 or, for smaller samples, the Fisher's exact test. p values <0.05 were considered as statistically significant. RESULTS Proteasome-dependent and -independent Ligands Can Be Distinguished by Isotopic Labeling of the B27-bound Peptide Repertoire— To...
The Peptide Repertoire of HLA‐B27 may include Ligands with Lysine at P2 Anchor Position The HLA‐B*27 peptidome has drawn significant attention due to the genetic association between some of the HLA‐B*27 alleles and the inflammatory rheumatic... Yair‐Sabag ShiraTedeschi ValentinaVitulano Carolin...
Association with HLA-B27 The association between the genetic markerHLA-B27and AS is well known.28,29The frequency of HLA-B27 in healthy populations is between 1% (Japanese and African) and 14% (Caucasian), whereas the marker is present in 90% of the AS population.17However, the presence ...
HLA-B27+ acute anterior uveitis and other antigens of the major histocompatibility complex Acute anterior uveitis (AAU) is associated with HLA-B27 in 50% of the patients. Although the association between HLA-B27 and AAU is evident, other genetic ... PJFM Derhaag,ARVD Horst,LPD Waal,... ...