(P<0. 05).Conclusion:HLA—DR3 couldbe 山esusceptiblegeneofAD,whileHLA—DR6couldbetheresistantgeneofAD.Theresultsindicatethatpeoplewith HLA—DR3arereliabletoAD,whilepeoplewithHLA—DR6arenot.Itissuggestedthatthespecificimmunoreactivitytomite, whichisinducedbytheADpatientswithHLA-DR3,mighttrigerthe...
Solomon et al (Human Immunology 34: Suppl.1:45 (1992) claimed that the expression of HLA-DR3 gene in Afro-American renal recipients was beneficial for the graft survival. The present study was undertaken to address this issue. A retrospective analysis of the SEOPF multicenter database on ...
II类区域对应 HLA-DR、-DQ和 -DP基因等,编码 α 链基因 (A1) 和β 链基因 (B1)。α链和 β链配对形成功能性HLA分子。大多数个体携带额外的DRB基因 (DRB3 或 DRB4 或 DRB5),该基因编码可能与α链配对的不同β链。 III 类区域,其中的基因编码补体系统蛋白质和 TNF 家族基因。
Process for detecting HLA-DR3 genetype of AD patients by employing PCR techniqueThe invention relates to a method for detection of HLA-DR3 genotype of AD sufferers by means of PCR technology employing the denaturation, annealing, extension, circulation of the DNA reagent of the AD suffer to ...
HLA-DR, like other MHC class II molecules, is a transmembrane glycoprotein composed of a 36 kDa alpha chain (DRA) and 27 kDa beta chain (DRB). The alpha chain gene contains 5 exons. Exon 1 encodes the leader peptide, exons 2 and 3 encode the two extracellular domains, and exon 4 enc...
2.HLA-Ⅱ类基因 HLA-Ⅱ类基因区包括近30个基因座,其中经典的Ⅱ类基因一般指DR、DP和DQ,它们编码的产物均为双肽链(α、β)分子。近年来,陆续发现了一些位于Ⅱ类基因区的新基因座,其中某些基因的产物与内源性抗原的处理与呈递有关。 3.HLA-Ⅲ...
In this study we have examined the results of probing with synthetic oligomers at the DRβIII locus, together with restriction fragment length polymorphisms defined by BglII digestion and a cDNA DRα probe, and Taq 1 digestion and a genomic DQα probe. We have demonstrated heterogeneity of the...