理大工商管理学院(Faculty of Business)同时具有AACSB、EQUIS和AMBA三重认证,下设会计与金融学院、物流及航运学系和管理及市场学系,会计与金融学院下的有两个会计硕士项目:MSc in Accountancy,Master of Professional Accounting和新开的一个MSc in Accounting and Finance Analytics项目,下面小编分别给大家介绍。 MSc in...
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Mainland Class only) Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM) Master of Science (MSc) in Applied Accounting and Finance Master of Science (MSc) in Applied Economics Master of Science (MSc) in Business Management gs.hkbu.edu.hk/programm Master of...
Corporate, Employment and Business Law Human Resources Management Strategic Management and Business Policy 选修课程: 申请要求 非会计专业背景 托福79或雅思6.5或六级450 案例参考 毕达学子:F同学 本科学校与专业:北京理工大学,国际经济与贸易 申请背景:IELTS 6.5; 录取:香港城市大学,MSc Professional Accounting and ...
Schools offering specialist programmes like these while also providing generalist programmes like MBA and MSc in Business Management may be able to provide a more comprehensive learning journey for students in all their programmes. Fourthly, how supportive is the School to students? This...
CUHK - Master of Science in Business Analytics / 香港中文大学 - 商业分析 *本科院校:211*本科均分/GPA:88*其他:三段实习 CUHK - MSc Environmental Info, Health & Public Management /香港中文大学 - 环境信息、健康与公共管理 *本科院校:C9*本科均分/GPA:3.7+/4.0*语言成绩:雅思6.5*其他:两段实习 HKB...
MSc in Drug Discovery (Modernization of Chinese Medicine)药物发现(中医药现代化)硕士 Master of Science (MSc) in Personal Health Management (Chinese Medicine)个人健康管理(中药)硕士 香港都会大学: Master of Arts in Chinese Literature中国文学文学硕士 ...
announced today the launch of the MSc in Corporate Governance and Compliance (Programme) in response to the pressing industry demand for qualified talent in the field of corporate governance, corporate secretaryship, risk management, and compliance. The first intake of 4...
HKBU also offers a suite of programme-level scholarships for full-time applicants. TheDiversity Contribution Scholarshipsoffered by various taught postgraduate programmes — including the Master of Accountancy (MAcc), MSc in Applied Accounting & Finance (MScAAF), MSc in Business Management (MScBM) an...
BSc (Hons) in Physics and Green Energy (JUPAS No. JS2510). BSc (Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme ...
BSc (Hons) in Physics and Green Energy (JUPAS No. JS2510). BSc (Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme ...