Master of Science (MSc) in AI and Digital MediaOffer案例:1.双非 媒体87.4,雅思6.52.211 设计87,雅思6.5,有工作经验3.211 计算机85.2,雅思6.54.双非 新媒体85,雅思6.55.双非 数媒87,雅思66.双非 编导86,雅思6.57.双非 广播电视85.9,雅思6.58.双非 编导85,雅思69.双非 新闻84,雅思6.5,有工作经验10.双非...
1.媒体 管理硕士 Master of Social Sciences (MSocSc) in Media Management Offer案例: 1.双非 小语种91.2,雅思7 2.双非 播音90,雅思6.5 3.211 国际新闻89,雅思7.5 4.双非 英语89,雅思7.5 5.211 新媒体 89,雅思7 6.双非 广告88.1,雅思7 7.双非 英语88,雅思7 8.双非 新闻86,雅思7 9.双非 编导85.4,托福...
Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology Management Apply Now Master of Science (MSc) in Mathematical Finance Master of Science (MSc) in Operational Research & Business Statistics (Zhuhai, UIC campus) Master of Arts (MA) in Communication - AI & Digital Media School of Chinese Medici...
HKBU - MSc in Entrepreneurship and Global Marketing / 香港浸会大学 - 创业与全球营销 *本科院校:双非*本科均分/GPA:88*语言成绩:雅思6.5*其他:两段实习 HKU - Master of Global Management (MGM) *申请要求:香港大学的全球管理20fall首次招生,不限制专业背景,招生背景比较多元化,但是有将近50%的学生都是Accou...
BSc (Hons) in Physics and Green Energy (JUPAS No. JS2510). BSc (Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme ...
BSc (Hons) in Physics and Green Energy (JUPAS No. JS2510). BSc (Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme ...
【HKBU】香港浸会大学MSc Strategic Human Resources Management 1021 -- 3:04 App 【CityU】香港城市大学MA Creative Media专业介绍 2473 2 3:00 App 【香港城市大学】食在城大 Eating in CityU 9431 3 4:46 App 【CUHK】香港中文大学4分钟宣传片 1140 -- 1:32 App 【澳洲】悉尼大学法学宣传片 1956...
2017 /PRNewswire/ -- HKBU School of Business announced today the launch of the MSc in Corporate Governance and Compliance (Programme) in response to the pressing industry demand for qualified talent in the field of corporate governance, corporate secretaryship, risk m...
BSc (Hons) in Physics and Green Energy (JUPAS No. JS2510). BSc (Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme ...
MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme (Summer 2018). PhD / M. Phill. PhD / M.Phil. Year I and II Students. Welcome to our Physics Department! Prof Cheah Kok Wai and Prof Cheung Nai Ho take top prizes in international...