The Role of Experience in Motivating Crowdsourcing Innovation (2020)发表在《Production and Operations Management》上。研究发现,对新手更有效的反馈是积极评价,而对专家更有效的是建设性批评。 Effects of customer participation in co-created service recovery (2017)发表在《Journal of ServicesResearch》上。研究...
潘佳雁博士(只提供英文版本) Dr PAN Jiayan is an authority on the resilience and mental health of university students and migrants and an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work at the Hong Kong Baptist University with a PhD in Social Work from the University of Hong Kong.了解更多...
馬雅燕博士(只提供英文版本) Dr Daphne Mah is an expert in the social aspects of governance for smart energy transitions in Asia. She received her PhD degree from the Kadoorie Institute at The University of Hong Kong. She is currently the Director of the Asian Energy Studies Centre, and an ...
Master of Science (MSc) in Strategic Human Resources Management Master of Science (MSc) in Entrepreneurship and Global Marketing School of Communication Doctor of Philosophy / Master of Philosophy (School of Communication) Master of Arts (MA) in Communication Master of...
Cultural differences in goal-directed interaction patterns in negotiation, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 2011。比较不同文化谈判中目标导向的交流模式差异。 Analyzing social interaction, in Handbooks of communication science Vol. 6, Interpersonal communication, 2014。探讨社会互动分析方法。
发表在《Production and Operations Management》上。研究发现,对新手更有效的反馈是积极评价,而对专家更有效的是建设性批评。 Effects of customer participation in co-created service recovery (2017) 发表在《Journal of Services Research》上。研究证明客户参与联合服务恢复可以提高服务满意度。 Customer participation...
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. Research Postgraduate Studies Committee (RPSC). Research Ethics and Safety (HASC). Research Centres / Institutes. To view restricted contents, please sign in. Intranet (GS Staff Only). This website is best viewed with Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 or Mozilla Fir...
A range of programmes with a strong creative and practical focus will be offered by the School, including the Bachelor of Communication in Animation and Interactive Media, the Bachelor of Business Administration in Culture, Creativity and Management, the Bachelo...
(Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme (Summer 2018). PhD / M. Phill. PhD / M.Phil. Year I and II ...
(Hons) in Green Energy Science. The Joint Bachelor cum Master’s Study Programme. Physics courses open to non-majors. MSc in Green Technology (Energy). Physics courses open to non-majors. Summer Research Experience Programme (Summer 2018). PhD / M. Phill. PhD / M.Phil. Year I and II ...