Throughout the 1900s, mental health legislation in India was significantly shaped by the British. The Lunatic Removal Act, 1851 aimed to facilitate the repatriation of British offenders with mental illness. In 1858, three additional pieces of legislation were introduced: the Lunacy (Supreme Courts)...
Part 1: Origins: From experimentation to setting up the forced labour system (1917-1933) In 1918, only a few months after the October Revolution, the first concentration camps appeared. With the aim of getting rid of political adversaries and re-educating the so-called "asocial" elements th...
In fact, the years following World War II saw the establishment of international bodies and the introduction of human rights legislation and a pressure to welcome "displaced persons" from Europe. This pressure led to the abolishment of the Chinese Immigration Act in 1947. The Chinese Immigration ...
The Involvement of People of African Heritage in the North East.An Introduction.Slavery and Abolition and People of African Descent in the North East. Part 5. 2020. £2 Radical Croydon 1860S-1939. An introduction to the history of Croydon’s labour, radical and socialist movements. 2016. ...
In the UK Major A.G. Church of the Committee for legalising Eugenic Sterilisation attempted to introduce a bill to Parliament. It was defeated because of opposition from the Labour party who said it was fundamentally against the working classes.9 ...
Article 39A of the Constitution of India provides that State shall secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity, and shall in particular, provide free legal aid, by suitable legislation or schemes or in any other way, to ensure that ...
My (armchair) experience of the 1999 Kargil war (Or, “Actionable Intelligence” in the Internet age: How the Kargil effort got a little help from a desktop) Sonia’s Lying Courtier with Postscript 25 Nov 2007, & Addendum 30 June 2014 You want to win the 2024 India General Election? Tr...
Therefore, the importance of giving encouragement to this labour intensive industry which is providing large-scale employment, immensely benefited the local population and the rural economy which helps to increase supply of steel at reasonable prices for rural housing cannot be overlooked. Major sops ...
still account for a significant proportion of the population. Earnest attempts have been made to instill a spirit of nationhood in so varied a population, but tensions between neighboring groups have remained and at times have resulted in outbreaks of violence. Yet social legislation has done much...
Indian National Congress is a broadly based political party of India. Formed in 1885, the Indian National Congress dominated the Indian movement for independence from Great Britain. It subsequently formed most of India’s governments from the time of ind