F.A.Nazir. The Evolution of Legislation on Religious Offences: A Study of British India and the Implications for Contemporary Pakistan. Carlisle: Langham Monographs, 2019. 275 pp.doi:10.1111/erev.12651R. McCullochJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The Ecumenical Review...
THE EVOLUTION IN RECOGNITION OF LAND RIGHTS IN INDIA: A STUDY OF LEGISLATIONS PERTAINING TO ACQUISITION OF LANDdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3726360EnactmentLand AcquisitionLand LawThe land is one of the most coveted assets in India, which also makes it the most disputed. And fragmented laws and lack of ...
Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Law School, University of Melbourne. 2 Australian labour law is going through arguably the most turbulent period in its history. The last two decades have seen a series of major amendments to federal industrial legislation, ...
Our research examines the development of social health insurance (SHI) in Vietnam between 1992 and 2016 and SHI's role as a financial mechanism towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC). We reviewed and analysed legislation from the Government of Vietnam (GoV) and performance data from ...
In the last two decades, entrepreneurship policies have gone through a radical transformation in many parts of the world. New theoretical and empirical app
migration on local identity; fear by some businesses of competition from other businesses in the Caribbean; fear of losing jobs to either better qualified or cheaper labour; and fear that national education, health and social welfare systems will be overburdened to the detriment of the local ...
Mr. Sunak said the agreement would not eliminate the role of the European Court of Justice, the bloc’s top judicial authority, in determining trade disputes, but he said the deal would give Northern Ireland’s politicians an “emergency brake” for any new or updated European legislation. ...
In December, it announced a goal to increase the percentage of its beverage servings it sells through reusable packaging to 20 percent by 2030, compared to its previous 10 percent goal.162 In the governmental realm, circularity legislation made signi cant headway in 2022. In March, ...
Microfinance is the provision of financial services to the financially excluded, usually the poor. We use literature reviews and descriptive research to present different aspects of the relationship of the microfinancial services to microenterprise. The
and Reinforced Structures (Second Edition)Advanced Technologies, Visual and Performing Arts, Entertainment: Exploring New Forms of Geoheritage and Geosite PromotionAdvancements and Applications in Reinforcement LearningAdvancements in Adversarial Machine Learning: Techniques, Applications and SecurityAdvances in Ana...