1a,b), and analysis of three separate scRNA-seq datasets from human hearts revealed a positive correlation between histone H1.0 and periostin, a canonical marker of fibroblast activation, as did data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project (Extended Data Fig. 1c–f). Global ...
In this study, ATAC-seq was used to evaluate chromatin accessibility. CUT&Tag and ChIP-seq were used to study the chromatin-binding affinity of histone variant, histone marks, and their associated complex members. In both MCM2-2A mutant and WT MCF-7 cells, we employed ATAC-seq; CUT&Tag ...
For optimal ChIP and ChIP-seq results, use 10 μl of antibody and 10 μg of chromatin (approximately 4 x 106 cells) per IP. This antibody has been validated using SimpleChIP® Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kits. ApplicationDilution Western Blotting 1:1000 Immunoprecipitation 1:50 Immunofluorescen...
c scRNA-seq of in vitro MCM2-2A mutant and WT MCF-7 cells. Cells were dissolved into 5 clusters. Clusters 2, 3 and 4 were mainly composed of MCM2-2A cells, and clusters 1 and 5 were composed of WT cells. d Gene ontology enrichment analysis for marker genes of cluster 2 in vitro...
Rabbit WB, IP, IF, IHC, ChIP, ChIPseq H, M, R, Other (Wide Range) 15kDa 18kDa WB, Western blot; IP, Immunoprecipitation; IF, Immunofluorescence; IHC, Immunohistochemistry; ICC, Immunocytochemistry; FC, Flow Cytometry; ChIP, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assay; ChIP-seq, ChIP-sequencing. H...
配套提供了Western一抗稀释液,可以用于Western检测或其它适当用途时的一抗稀释。 建议抗体使用时的稀释比例如下(实际使用时需根据抗原水平的高低作适当调整): WBIPIFIHCICCFCChIPChIP-seq 1:500-1:20001:50-1:2001:50-1:2001:50-1:2001:50-1:200-1:20-1:1001:20-1:100 ...
This was confirmed by immuno-staining of phosphor-p65, a marker of NF-κB activation, and by the Q-PCR revealed upregulation of all 11 CHIP-Seq identified NF-κB activation related genes. Further, transfection of OCI-AML3 cells with a siRNAs cocktail targeting 4 of the genes identified in...
Source data for immunoblots are provided in Supplementary Fig.1. All ChIP–seq and RNA-seq data have been deposited in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) under accessionGSE125159. Coordinates and structure factors are available from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) with accession code6J9J. There...
H3 ChIP-Seq analysis performed on sperms extracted from F0 males exposed to DDT and subsequent F3 males yielded differential histone retention sites (DHRs) in addition to the core group of H3 retention sites [43]. Exposure of vinclozolin to pregnant F0 rats lead to epimutations in the ...
f, Top: ChIP-seq tracks of enhancer markers H3K27ac and H3K4me1 in the MHC gene cluster, super-enhancer region was highlighted in yellow; bottom: the interaction map generated by HiChIP analysis in iKAP cells. For e and f, red to white color range indicates more to less interaction. ...