近期,一项发表于Sci Rep的研究The role of lipids in promoting hair growth through HIF-1 signaling pathway为脱发治疗领域带来了令人振奋的新发现——脂质在促进头发生长中发挥着关键作用,且这一过程与HIF-1信号通路密切相关。细胞的代谢平衡对维持正常生理功能至关重要,其中脂质代谢不仅为细胞提供能量,还参与细胞...
signaling. HIF-1 exerts pleiotropic effects on both cancer and stromal cells. For example, HIF-α-dependent expression of VEGF-A and PDGF-B induces angiogenesis by promoting proliferation and migration of pericytes, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. In cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs)...
来自横滨国立大学工程学院等多个单位的研究人员,在《Scientific Reports》期刊上发表了题为 “The role of lipids in promoting hair growth through HIF-1 signaling pathway” 的论文。这一研究对于深入理解毛发生长的调控机制意义重大,为脱发治疗提供了全新的潜在靶点和理论依据,有望推动相关治疗方法的研发进程。 一...
10. Lv C, Li Z, Wang Q, Wang Y, Zhao X, Zhang Y. miRNA-150_R-1 mediates the HIF-1/ErbB signaling pathway to regulate the adhesion of endometrial epithelial cells in cows experiencing retained placenta. Front Vet Sci 2022, 9: 1037880. 11. Park M, Hong SH, Park SH, Kim YS, Yan...
Histone demethylase JMJD2D activates HIF1 signaling pathway via multiple mechanisms to promote colorectal cancer glycolysis and progression 组蛋白去甲基化酶JMJD2D通过多种机制激活HIF1信号通路,促进结直肠癌糖酵解和进展 Oncogene(IF=7.971),2020 Nov;39(47):7076-7091. ...
Understanding the underlying mechanisms regulating hair regeneration is crucial, especially given the increasing demand for effective drugs to treat hair loss, which remain not fully elucidated. In the present study, we found that lipid metabolism was attenuated in the scalp tissues of patients with an...
APN-mediated phosphorylation of BCKDK promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and proliferation via the ERK signaling pathway Article Open access 26 May 2020 Data availability The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository wit...
图 1 低氧信号通路和 Notch,Myc信号通路的交叉调节 Fig.1 HypoxiasignalingpathwayscrosstalkwithNotchandMycpathways ·564· 浙江大学学报(医学版) 第 40卷 的伴侣分子 MAX相互作用来抑制 MYC,从而抑 制 MYC MAX异二聚体复合物表达.HIF 1α和 HIF 2α都可以诱导 MXI1抑 制 MYC的 活性. HIF 2α还可以与 ...
Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of Taohong Siwu Decoction(ThSwT on mesangial proliferative nephritis(MsPGN) in rats and examine its regulatory effect on extracellular regulated protein kinase 1/2(ERK1/2)/hypoxia inducible factor 1α(HIF-1α) signaling pathway.Methods A total of 72 ...