[18]Nitz U, Gluz O, Graeser M, et al. De-escalated neoadjuvant pertuzumab plus trastuzumab therapy with or without weekly paclitaxel in HER2-positive, hormone receptor-negative, early breast cancer (WSG-ADAPT-HER2+/HR-): survival outcomes from a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 2 t...
[18]Nitz U, Gluz O, Graeser M, et al. De-escalated neoadjuvant pertuzumab plus trastuzumab therapy with or without weekly paclitaxel in HER2-positive, hormone receptor-negative, early breast cancer (WSG-ADAPT-HER2+/HR-): survival outcomes from a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 2 t...
[5]Tolaney SM,Tarantino P,Graham N,et al.Adjuvant paclitaxel and trastuzumab for node-negative,HER2-positive breast cancer:final 10-year analysis of the open-label,single-arm,phase 2 APT trial.Lancet Oncol.2023 Mar;24(3):273-285. [6]Tolaney SM,Barry WT,Dang CT,et al.Adjuvant paclitaxe...
[6]Park SR, Park YS, Ryu MH, et al. Extra-gain of HER2-positive cases through HER2 reassessment in primary and metastatic sites in advanced gastric cancer with initially HER2-negative primary tumours: Results of GASTric cancer HER2 re...
HR+/HER2低表达患者脑转移风险增加仍然显著 (OR:1.655,95%CI 1.041-2.664,p=0.033)。在TN-HER2低表达患者中,脑转移发生风险与 HER2低表达之间的相关性未达到统计学显著性 (OR:1.590,95%CI 0.568–4.450,p=0.377)。 表3. 脑转移风险、OS和DFS的多变量分析...
HR+/HER2低表达患者脑转移风险增加仍然显著 (OR:1.655,95%CI 1.041-2.664,p=0.033)。在TN-HER2低表达患者中,脑转移发生风险与 HER2低表达之间的相关性未达到统计学显著性(OR:1.590,95%CI 0.568–4.450,p=0.377)。 表3. 脑转移风险、OS和DFS的多变量分析...
[7].Fujii T, Kogawa T, Dong W, Sahin AA, Moulder S, Litton JK, et al. Revisiting the definition of estrogen receptor positivity in HER2-negative primary breast cancer. Ann Oncol 2017;28:2420–8.* 本文由阿斯利康提供支持,仅供医疗专业人士参考 审批编号:CN-106964 有效期至:2023-12-6 *此...
第一作者 Luca Mastrantoni 所在的研究团队在 npj Breast Cancer 期刊上发表了题为 “Accessible model predicts response in hormone receptor positive HER2 negative breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy” 的论文。这一研究成果意义重大,为激素受体阳性、人表皮生长因子受体 2 阴性(HR+/HER2-)乳腺癌患者...
第一作者 Luca Mastrantoni 所在的研究团队在 npj Breast Cancer 期刊上发表了题为 “Accessible model predicts response in hormone receptor positive HER2 negative breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy” 的论文。这一研究成果意义重大,为激素受体阳性、人表皮生长因子受体 2 阴性(HR+/HER2-)乳腺癌患者...
In this report, we present the case of a female patient with relapsed and metastatic breast cancer, whose histology transformed from initially triplenegative to Luminal-B type (HER2 positive) (i.e., ER, PR, and HER2 positive). She underwent systematic chemotherapy, ta...