[1]Huppert LA, et.al. Systemic therapy for hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative early stage and metastatic breast cancer.CA Cancer J Clin. 2023;73(5):480-515. [2]Sheffield, Kristin M et al. A real-world US study of recurrence risks using combined cl...
在乳腺癌治疗的临床实践中,根据生物标志物定义患者类型已经成为选择前期手术与新辅助化疗(NAC)的依据[1]。应用NAC在提升早期(≥cStage 2)HER2阳性(HER+)和三阴性乳腺癌(TNBC)的病理完全缓解率(pCR)方面取得显著进展[2]。尽管如此,应用NAC后未达到pCR的患者中生物标志物变化的比例及其对临床结果的影响尚未充分明确,...
Tarantino P等人发表在European Journal of Cancer期刊上的研究报道“ Evolution of low HER2 expression between early and advanced-stage breast cancer ”,对 HER2 低表达在乳腺癌病程中的动态演变特征进行了分析,并揭示了HER2低表达的预后意义,为全...
[21]Filho OM, Viale G, Stein S, et al. Impact of HER2 Heterogeneity on Treatment Response of Early-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: Phase II Neoadjuvant Clinical Trial of T-DM1 Combined with Pertuzumab. Cancer Discov. 2021;11(10):2474-2487. ...
[1] Ergun Y, Ucar G, Akagunduz B. Comparison of HER2-zero and HER2-low in terms of clinicopathological factors and survival in early-stage breast cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Treat Rev. 2023 Apr;115:102538. ...
Bardia A, Dell'Orto P, Russo L, King TA, Polyak K, Michor F, Winer EP, Krop IE. Impact of HER2 Heterogeneity on Treatment Response of Early-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer: Phase II Neoadjuvant Clinical Trial of T-DM1 Co...
of several HER2-targeted agents, including monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine-kinase inhibitors and antibody–drug conjugates, has increased cure rates in patients with early stage HER2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer and substantially improved survival for patients with advanced-stage HER2+ breast cancer. ...
Tarantino P等人发表在European Journal of Cancer期刊上的研究报道“Evolution of low HER2 expression between early and advanced-stage breast cancer”,对HER2低表达在乳腺癌病程中的动态演变特征进行了分析,并揭示了HER2低表达的预后意义,为全面表征HER2低表达乳腺癌这一新型分类提供新的证据。现将相关研究内容整理...
5、Conte,PierFranco et al.“Nine-weeks versus one-year trastuzumab for early-stage HER2+breast cancer:10-year update of the Short-HER phase III randomized trial.”2023 ASCO Abstract LBA637 6、Conte,PierFranco et al.“Nine-Week Versus One-Year Trastuzumab for Early Human Epidermal Growth Facto...