【3886】Breast Cancer | HER2低表达与HER2零表达早期乳腺癌新辅助化疗后病理学完全缓解和预后差异 随着抗体药物偶联物(ADCs)的研发,HER2 低表达人群逐渐备受关注。目前,HER2 低表 达乳腺癌的生物学特征尚不十分明确,HER2 低表达与 HER2 ...
这部分患者的HER2水平介于HER2阴性和HER2过表达之间,他们的治疗和预后一直不明确。2023年4月,Breast Cancer Research and Treatment杂志发表了一篇题为HER-2 low status in early-stage invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast: associate...
[6]Bang YJ, Van Cutsem E, Feyereislova A, et al. Trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone for treatment of HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (ToGA): a phase 3, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2010 Aug 28;376(97...
2025年1月22日,复旦大学附属肿瘤医院研究团队在期刊《Cell Reports Medicine》上发表了题为“Multimodal integration using a machine learning approach facilitates risk stratification in HR+/HER2− breast cancer”的研究论文。在这项研究中,团队利用由579名HR+/HER2-乳腺癌患者组成的多组学队列(其中200名患者拥有...
2023年,《Nature Communications》杂志发表了一篇题为《Comprehensive genomic characterization of HER2-low and HER2-0 breast cancer》的文章,为我们提供了对这一问题深入的见解。研究方法 本研究旨在深入分析HER2低表达(HER2-low)和HER2-0(免疫组化[IHC] 0)乳腺癌的基因组特征,并探讨两者是否存在显著的分子...
相关论文于当地时间8月22日在线发表于国际知名期刊《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications),题为“Molecular features and clinical implications of the heterogeneity in Chinese patients with HER2-low breast cancer”,这也是该研究在2022年圣安东尼奥乳腺癌大会(SABCS)入选亮点讨论后的正式见刊。邵志敏、江一舟团队...
相关论文于当地时间8月22日在线发表于国际知名期刊《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications),题为“Molecular features and clinical implications of the heterogeneity in Chinese patients with HER2-low breast cancer”,这也是该研究在2022年圣安东尼奥乳腺癌大会(SABCS)入选亮点讨论后的正式见刊。
HER2 and Breast Cancer — A Phenomenal Success Story. Daniel F. Hayes. University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center, Ann Arbor. During the past three decades, the risk of dying from breast cancer in the United States has declined by nearly half, thanks to a combination of screening and early...
[15]https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/twenty-years-miracle-breast-cancer-drug-sue-desmond-hellmann-md-mph/ [16]https://www.cancer.gov/research/progress/discovery/HER2 [17] Hong S, Gu Y, Gao Z, et al. EGFR inhibitor-driven endoplasmicreticulumstress-mediated injury on intestinalepithelial cells...
在过去 HER2靶向治疗成果的基础上,对这些新概念的研究和这些方法的使用将最终导致持续的进展。 参考文献:1.Sandra M. Swain, Mythili Shastry & Erika Hamilton Targeting HER2-positive breast cancer: advances and future directions Nature Reviews Drug Discovery(2022)...