系统标签: heparinanticoagulationthrombinlmwhinhibitorsplatelet HITTandHeparinAnticoagulationYvonneHo,RichelleAllen,andAmyInglisPatientHistory 74yroldmale Hospitalizedforunstableangina ReceivedCoronaryArteryBypassGraft AdmissionCBC,PT,PTTnormal Putonheparintherapy,5dayslaterdevelopedpaininleftfootandpoplitealarterythrombosisPa...
Continuous infusion unfractionated heparin (UH) has traditionally been monitored using the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). The use of this test to monitor heparin therapy is not based on randomized controlled clinical trials, and the test is associated with significant intra- and inter-...
(PTT/PDT) of tumors [6]. In recent years, PTT/PDT has played an increasingly important role in the direction of tumor therapy [7]. An increasing number of studies have applied ICG to the collaborative therapy of tumors [5,8,9]. However, the use of ICG has shortcomings, such as poor...