AdmissionCBC,PT,PTTnormal Putonheparintherapy,5dayslater developedpaininleftfootandpopliteal arterythrombosis PatientHistorycont… CBC5daysafterheparintherapy Ht0.35 WBC12x10 9 /L PLT77x10 9 /L Resultsaftersurgerytoremoveclot (embolectomy).Rightfootbecamecoldand ...
(once in early ICU stay, once in late ICU stay) which comprised two screening tests (PTT-LA and STA-Staclot DRVV Screen, both reagents from Stago, Asnières-sur-Seine, France), mixing tests (50/50vol/volmixing with normal pooled plasma, same reagents) and confirmation tests (Staclot ...
“Incidental” unfractionated heparin (UFH) vs. normal saline (NS) flushes for intraoperative invasive catheters and the frequency of formation of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia IgG antibodies (HIT-IgG): A randomized, controlled trial [abstr]. Blood 1998, 92 (Suppl. 1), 91b. [Google Scholar]...