ELEANOR of Aquitaine.(wife of Henry II of England)Slavicek, Louise Chipley
His other titles were Duke of Cornwall, Earl of Chester and Duke of Aquitaine. A contemporary record notes that in 1399, Henry spent time at The Queen's College, Oxford, under the care of his uncle Henry Beaufort, the chancellor of the university.[12] During this time, due to taking a...
TWO MORE STRONG-MINDED, forceful and determined people could hardly have been matched...Cavendish, RichardEleanor of Aquitaine marries Henry of Anjou. Cavendish,Richard. the History Today . 2002Cavendish,Richard.Eleanor of Aquitaine marries Henry of Anjou.the History Today. 2002Cavendish...
Henry II, king of England (1154–89) who greatly expanded his Anglo-French domains and strengthened the royal administration in England. His quarrels with Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, and with members of his own family ultimately brought abou