Henry II n 1.(Biography) known asHenry the Saint.973–1024, king of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (1014–24): canonized in 1145 2.(Biography) 1133–89, first Plantagenet king of England (1154–89): extended his Anglo-French domains and instituted judicial and financial reforms. His attem...
Henry is accepted as Lord of Ireland. 1171 At Cashel Henry makes Irish clergy submit to the authority of Rome 1173 Canonization of Thomas a Becket. 1173 Eleanor of Aquitaine and her sons revolt unsuccessfully against her husband Henry II. 1174 Henry’s sons Henry, Richard, and Geoffrey lead...
John(24December1166–18/19October1216),istheyoungestoffivesonsofKingHenryIIofEnglandandEleanorofAquitaine.Atfirst,hewasnotexpectedtoinheritsignificantlands,alsoknownasJohnLackland.HewasKingofEnglandfrom6April1199untilhisdeathin1216.HenrytheYoungKing RichardtheLionheart GeoffreyofthedukeofBretagne KingisHenryⅡ ...
When asked about the sons of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, the two that are most often remembered are Richard the Lionheart and John, the two that lived to be kings after their father’s death. Henry and Eleanor had five sons though. The first William, died in infancy and the thir...
Henry The Young King Henry The Young King(born February 28, 1155, London—died June 11, 1183, Martel, Quercy, France) was the second son of King Henry II of England by Eleanor of Aquitaine; he was regarded, after the death of his elder brother, William, in 1156, as his father’s ...
Eleanor of Aquitaine, Richard I, and Henry II Eleanor of Aquitaine lies between her son Richard I and her second husband, Henry... Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New York VIEW MOREin these related Britannica articles: Media for: Frederick II ...
King John, son of King Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, was the king of England from 1199-1216. It was during John's reign that England lost possession of much of its territory in western France. His reign marks the end of the Angevin Empire....
The birth and childhood of King John have received attention not only in biographies of the king himself but perhaps especially in scholarship on Eleanor of Aquitaine, and that for two reasons.1 First, for several decades now, historians have seen the birth of Eleanor's youngest child as ...
Crowned king of England:Sept. 3, 1189 Captured:March, 1192 Freed from captivity:Feb. 4, 1194 Crowned again:April 17, 1194 Died:April 6,1199 About Richard I: Richard the Lionheart was the son ofKing Henry IIof England andEleanor of Aquitaineand the second king in the Plantagenet line. ...
John, King of England (1166 – 1216), married twice. John is noted for his signing of the Magna Carta. John was the youngest child of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II, and was called Lackland because his older brothers had been given territories to rule and he'd been given none. ...