Eleanor of Aquitaine, (born c. 1122—died April 1, 1204, Fontevrault, Anjou, Fr.), Queen consort of Louis VII of France (1137–80) and Henry II of England (1152–89), the most powerful woman of 12th-century Europe. She inherited the duchy of Aquitaine and married the heir to the...
T he marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II produced two sons, Richard I the Lionheart, and John Lackland, who survived to succeed, between 1189 and 1216, to the English throne, the duchy of Normandy, the Angevin domains in the Loire valley, and Eleanor's patrimony in Aquitaine. ...
Eleanor of Aquitaine's extraordinary life seems more likely to be found in the pages of fiction. Proud daughter of a distinguished French dynasty, she married the king of France, Louis VII, then the king of England, Henry II, and gave birth to two sons who rose to take the English thron...
Why is Eleanor of Aquitaine important? What was Eleanor of Aquitaine’s childhood like? What was Eleanor of Aquitaine like? Eleanor of Aquitaine(born c. 1122—died April 1, 1204, Fontevrault, Anjou, France) was the queenconsortof bothLouis VIIofFrance(1137–52) andHenry IIof England (1152...
1.French Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine marries Henry II of England at her court in the South of France. 法国阿基坦王后埃莉诺在法国南部的宫廷与英国亨利二世结婚。机翻 「历」 2.It is possible these games were played over months, and perhaps this was what was happening at the court of Eleanor in...
aquitainen. 阿基坦(法国西南部盆地) Eleanorn. 埃莉诺(女子名) eleanorn.埃莉诺(女子名) AI(abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能 人工智能,一般简称为AI,是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。
Eleanor, the daughter of William X, eighth count of Poitou, and tenth duke of Aquitaine, was born in 1122. Her mother, Aenor de Châtellerault, was the daughter of Aimery, Viscount of Châtellerault. Their only son, William, died as a child. Her younger sister, Petronilla, who was ...
Eleanor of Aquitaine is known for:serving as Queen of England, Queen of France, and Duchess of Aquitaine; also known for conflicts with her husbands, Louis VII of France and Henry II of England; credited with holding a "court of love" in Poitiers ...
Henry III: the eldest grandchild of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II through their son John was KingHenryIII of England (1207 – 1272). He marriedEleanor of Provence. One of Eleanor’s sisters married another son of John and Isabella, and two of her sisters married sons of Henry III’s...